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Provides access to government services and information by subject. Relevant subject areas are families, education, employment, health, etc. Also contains information about business, government and Australia in general
- Australian Governments' Entry Point [Search]
Australian Government information (National Library of Australia)
- Governments on the WWW: Australia [Search]
Links to Australian government websites (on Governments on the WWW)
- GovPubs: the Australian Government Publications Guide [Search]
A guide to selected Australian Commonwealth and State Government publications located in Australia's National and State Libraries and on the Internet
- Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) [Search]
Commonwealth, State and Territory Hansards (GovPubs: the Australian Government Publications Guide)
- Parliamentary Handbooks [Search]
Commonwealth , State and Territory Handbooks (GovPubs: the Australian Government Publications Guide)
- Parliamentary Papers [Search]
Commonwealth and State and Territory reports from government departments, Royal Commissions, committees of enquiry and other documents (GovPubs: the Australian Government Publications Guide)
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An Australian whole of government single point of access (portal) that links to available Commonwealth, State and Territory Internet entry points