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Latinoamérica - América Latina
- Comisión Andina de Juristas - Andean Commission of Jurists [Search]
Proporciona información sobre legislación y tratados de los países andinos en materia de derechos humanos, pueblos indígenas, derechos de la mujer, defensorías del pueblo, democracia y otros tópicos. Incluye artículos, links y publicaciones (En español e inglés) / Provides comprehensive information about Andean countries legislation and treaties on human rights, indigenous people, women, ombudsmen, democracy and other topics. Includes articles, links and publications (In English and Spanish)
- Constitutions and Constitutional Studies - Constituciones Políticas y Estudios Constitucionales [Search]
Contains the constitutions for all the OAS member states (including Cuba) in the original language of composition and a comparative analysis of Constitutions of countries with Presidential Regimes (Political Database of the Americas) / Contiene las constituciones de todos los Estados miembros de la OEA (incluyendo a Cuba) en su idioma original y un análisis comparativo de constituciones de los regímenes presidenciales (Base de Datos Políticos de las Américas)
- Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) [Search]
Multilateral development institution for Latin America and the Caribbean (In English Spanish French and Portuguese) / Organismo multilateral de desarrollo para América Latina y el Caribe (En inglés, español, francés y portugués)
- Latin American and Caribbean Government Documents Project [Search]
Organizes and describes Latin American and Caribbean official documents appearing on the Internet (Cornell University)
- Latin American Network Journals [Search]
List of journals published by LAN. Click on 'Journals' to access the complete list (On Social Science Research Network - SSRN)
- Latin Lawyer [Search]
A legal portal for Latin America and source for anyone interested in the practice of law inLatin America
- Librarius
On-line legal bookshop from Argentina. In Spanish.
- National Law Center for Inter-American Free Trade
(some databases for subscribers only)
- Organisation of American States (OAS) Secretariat for Legal Affairs [Search]
Includes Inter-American Treaties; Inter-American Juridical Committee National Legal Instruments Inter-American Legal Agenda Anti-Corruption Information Network Model Laws Resolutions and Declarations (on OAS)
- Organization of American States (OAS)
in Spanish and English
- Political Database of the Americas - Base de Datos Políticos de las Américas
Comprehensive database of political information concerning all independent nations of the Western Hemisphere (In English, Spanish, French and Portuguese) (Georgetown University) / Base de datos con información política de los países del hemisferio oeste (En inglés, español, francés y portugués) (Georgetown University)
- Red de Información Judicial Andina - RIJ Andina [Search]
Comisión Andina de Juristas Program to provide information about Andean judicial systems, law reforms, human rights and legislation (In Spanish)
- The South and Meso American Indian Rights Center [Search]
Resource Centre with programs on human rights environmental activism women's leadership and technical training as well as provision of multilingual library resources and facilitation of networking and cultural exchanges.
- Survey of Financial Systems of the Americas [Search]
Covers financial instruments laws regulations the structure and size of financial systems and specific financial operations of Central and South American countries. (Inter-American Development Bank)
- Web Sites on Latin America
index (on Political Database of the Americas)