[Databases] [Recent Additions]
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- Copyright Resources Online [Search]
Contains links to university and non-university intellectual property resources (on Yale University)
- Hungarian Patent Office index of intellectual property sites
- Intellectual Property [Search]
Links to legislation, awards, courts and tribunals and their decisions, publications, international resources, other indexes, journals, educational and policy and research sites (Weblaw)
- Intellectual Property [Search]
Links to intellectual property law related websites (on Yahoo!)
- Intellectual Property Law [Search]
Contains extensive links to intellectual property law related sites including trademarks, patents and copyrights (on Hieros Gamos)
- Intellectual Property Law [Search]
US-oriented resources and links (Intellectual Property Law Server)
- IP Mall [Search]
Provides extensive resources on intellectual property law. Includes legislation, cases, links, courses, news, and much more (on Franklin Pierce Law Center)
- IP Menu [Search]
Global guide to intellectual property resources on the internet by subject and country
- IP Menu - A guide to intellectual property resources on the internet [Search]
Comprehensive resource site including individual country information, patent, trademark, design copyright, technology and plant variety links, news, conference calendar, IP organisations worldwide, patent attorneys, FAQs, other directories and resource sites. Developed by Phillips Ormonde & Fitzpatrick (Australia)
- IP-Links [Search]
Contains links to intellectual property websites around the World. Compiled by Karl Rackette
- KuesterLaw [Search]
Contains extensive links to resources on intellectual property law and technology law. Maintained by Jeffrey R. Kuester
- Lentera HAKI - The Lantern of IPR [Search]
full text Indonesian intellectual property materials including legislation and many links to other IP sites.English and Bahasa Indonesian. Created by Yasmon Rangkayosa. (Geocities)
- Links [Search]
Worldwide links to official registers and databases, journals and intellectual property organisations (Danek & Partners)
- Media & Telecommunications Law [Search]
Includes links to legislation, courts and tribunals and their decisions, organisations, government, publications, international resources,
general media & telecommunication sites, journals
reviews and investigations (Weblaw)
- Patent-Links [Search]
Contains links to patent websites around the World. Compiled by Karl Rackette
- Portail de la Propriété Intellectuelle [Search]
An intellectual property portal (in French)
- Researching International Intellectual Property Law: Internet Resources [Search]
University of Chicago Law School, D'Angelo Law Library
- SOSIG Law Gateway: Intellectual Property Law [Search]
Internet resources on intellectual property law (Social Science Information Gateway - SOSIG)
- Trademark-Links [Search]
Contains links to trademark websites around the World. Compiled by Karl Rackette