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- AAAS Directory of Human Rights Resources on the Internet [Search]
links to human rights organisations, organised by topic and geographically, searchable (American Association for the Advancement of Science)
- Central and Eastern European Internet Directory for Human Rights (CEEHR) [Search]
A collection of links on Human Rights issues in Europe and Newly Independent States (NIS)
- Child Labor [Search]
Foreign Law: Legal Research Resources on the Internet (D'Angelo Law Library, University of Chicago Law School)
- Concise Guide to Human Rights on the Internet [Search]
links to international human rights websites, NGO websites, country and thematic websites, news sources and mailing lists, browsable but not searchable in English and some Spanish prepared by Margarita Lacabe (Derechos Human Rights)
- Derechos Cafe - A Human Rights Hangout [Search]
up-to-date information on recent human rights related events and issues and human rights links, listed by subject and region in English and Spanish (Derechos Human Rights)
- Findoc - A Reference Database of Literature on Human Rights
(in Finnish French and English)
- Guide to International Human Rights Research: selected sources [Search]
An extensive annotated bibliography of online and printed sources on human rights research (on the Centre for Comparative and Public Law homepage, Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong).
- Human & Constitutional Rights [Search]
Provides links and documents relevant to Human and Constitutional Rights (Columbia University)
- Human Rights [Search]
Links to legislation, courts and tribunals and their decisions, organisations, journals, publications, international resources, plain language materials, policy and research sites,
treaties and conventions (Weblaw)
- Human rights
Organisations full text online documents guide to printed publications held by the British Library for Development Studies (ELDIS - Directory of Development and Environment Information Sources)
- Human Rights [Search]
Provides an overview of this area of international law as well as links to electronic sources including both primary and secondary material. (ASIL Guide to Electronic Resources for International Law)
- Human Rights [Search]
A wide range of selected and annotated links on Human Rights (On Magagni Research Guide to International Law on the Internet)
- Human Rights at Columbia University [Search]
A portal to the diverse human rights resources that can be found throughout Columbia University
- Human Rights Bibliography [Search]
Bibliographies and guides on Human Rights Law (on Human Rights Library, University of Minnesota)
- The Human Rights Databank [Search]
Extensive databases of human rights resources, including the Human Rights Organizations Database, For the Record: The United Nations Human Rights System, Human Rights Tribune, E-Doc Centre, Human Rights Education Directory, Human Rights World Calendar and an Internet Directory - a searchable database of human rights websites recorded by site content, features, keywords, and issues (Human Rights Internet - HRI)
- Human Rights Links [Search]
Comprehensive index of sites on Human Rights (In English and Spanish)
- Human Rights Watch - Country Reports [Search]
- International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHR) [Search]
Regional and country human rights information and IGLHRC actions and links to human rights organizations around the world
- La documentation sur Internet en matière de droits de l'homme [Search]
Contains links to international organisations, universities, research centres, NGOs and other resources related to Human Rights (On Réseau Internet pour le Droit International)
- Rights International Research Guide for International Human Rights Lawyers [Search]
well indexed site aimed at human rights litigators, collating hard copy and on-line resources in specific areas prepared by Stephen Schnably (Center for International Human Rights Law Inc)
- Répertoire PSI - Paix et Sécurité Internationales [Search]
Contains links to sites related to peace and international security, public international law, international organisations, NGOs, humanitarian law and human rights (In French)
- SOSIG Law Gateway: Civil Rights [Search]
Internet resources on civil rights (Social Science Information Gateway - SOSIG)
- SOSIG Law Gateway: Human Rights [Search]
Internet resources on human rights (Social Science Information Gateway - SOSIG)
- SOSIG Law Gateway: International Human Rights Law [Search]
Internet resources on international human rights law (Social Science Information Gateway - SOSIG)
- University of Minnesota - Human Rights Library [Search]
Includes Treaties and other International Instruments; Other United Nations Documents; Regional Materials; Bibliographies and Research Guides; Human Rights Education; Asylum and Refugee Materials; U.S. Human Rights Documents; links to over 800 other sites
- Yahoo - Human Rights Page [Search]
A List of Human Rights Links