[Databases] [Recent Additions]
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- Adminet World Law [Search]
French index with coverage of every country in the world but only some have legal content (on Adminet)
- American Law Sources On-line - ALSO! [Search]
Provides a comprehensive and useful compilation of links to all on-line sources of American law (United States, Canada and Mexico)
- An Internet Hotlist on Law Guides [Search]
Links to legal research guides and pathfinders from American Law Libraries
- Area Científica de Direito [Search]
Contains extensive links to legal sites, including legislation, cases, law schools, law journals, subject indexes, organisations, links and much more. Most of the links are from Portugal, Brazil and Europe, but has many from other countries. In Portuguese (on ESTIG - Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão de Beja)
- Argus Clearinghouse Law and Regulation index [Search]
An index of other indexes mainly subject-oriented; includes ratings of indexes.
- Biblioteca de Enlaces Electrónicos - BIENEL
Contains many links to legal sites. Click on 'Enlaces' to access this page
- CataLaw
meta-index of government and law sites on Internet
- Cornell LII - Law from around the globe [Search]
(Legal Information Institute Cornell Law School USA)
- eagle-i service - electronic access to global legal information [Search]
Index of legal sites ordered by topics, country, journals (Institute of Advanced Legal Studies - IALS)
- Electronic Reference Desk [Search]
(Emory Law School) subject and country indices
- [Search]
Contains legal resources and law-related products and services
- Finding Law-Related Internet Resources
on Law Library Resource Exchange (LLRX)
- FindLaw: Foreign & International Resources
- FindLaw: Index of Country Pages [Search]
- Findoc - A Reference Database of Literature on Human Rights
(in Finnish French and English)
- Foreign Affairs Ministries on the Web [Search]
Ministries listed alphabetically by country (United States Institute of Peace Library)
- Foreign and International Law (on WashLaw Web) [Search]
extensive index by country and by subjects (Washburn University School of Law Library)
- Foreign and International Law Directory [Search]
A resource for studying the laws of foreign countries (J. Reuben Clark Law School, Brigham Young University)
- Foreign Databases - By Jurisdiction [Search]
links to net resources of nations other than the US on Globalex (New York University School of Law Law Library)
- Foreign Law: Legal Research Resources on the Internet
- Foreign Legal Sites [Search]
Links to worldwide legal sites (On Legal Lebanon)
- Global Legal Information Network (GLIN)
(Law Library US Congress) - "a database of national laws from contributing countries around the world" - searchable
- Governments on the WWW [Search]
Comprehensive database of governmental institutions on the World Wide Web indexed by countries and categories of institutions. Maintained by Gunnar Anzinger.
- Guide to Foreign and International Legal Databases [Search]
includes listings by country (New York University School of Law Law Library)
- Guide to Law Online: Nations of the World
by country (Law Library, US Congress)
- Hamline University Law Library
US and US-oriented international law links
- Hieros Gamos
has information about law organisations both on and off the internet
- Hieros Gamos - Country index
- Hieros Gamos Areas of Practice [Search]
Subject index of 200 areas of law
- International Website Appendix [Search]
links to international law and international relations sites (William R Slomanson)
- Internet Legal Resource Guide [Search]
searchable index of over 3 000 sites with US emphasis including law journals law schools government and other sites
- Intute: Social Sciences: Law
Comprehensive catalogue of internet legal resources listed by type
- Islam - Katalog: Islaw [Search]
Extensive catalogue of Islamic legal resources in many countries (Oriental Institute of the University of Leipzig)
- JURIST Search
(JURIST University of Pittsburg) Limited area search engine (LASE) to search academic law pages
- JURIST: The Law Professors Network [Search]
index of law professors home pages articles course pages 22 subject headings searchable (University of Pittsburg)
- Key Resources on the Internet for International Law Research [Search]
D'Angelo Law Library University of Chicago Law School
- La Página de los Links de Derecho [Search]
Contains links to legal sites organised by language. Includes sites in Spanish, English, Portuguese, French, German and Italian
- Law and Politics Internet Guide [Search]
American-based legal and law related resources and links (University of Texas)
- Law by country - Other Countries [Search]
(Emery Law School Electronic Reference Desk)
- Law by Subject [Search]
(Emory Law School Electronic Reference Desk)
- Law Internet Resources [Search]
Australian US NZ and other legal links (Parliamentary Library Australian Parliament)
- Law on the Web [Search]
Index of US and international legal sites (On University of Pennsylvania Law School)
- Law Research - Internet Law Library [Search]
- [Search]
A directory of legal related links. The site is based on the Open Directory Project
- LawLinks - The Law Reform Commission of Hong Kong [Search]
Links to over 1,000 many law-related sites (especially Hong-Kong focused) under categories legal resources, legal subjects and jurisdictions. (English and Chinese)
- Lawlinks - University of Kent [Search]
guide to UK-oriented legal resources on the internet (University of Kent)
- LawNetCenter [Search]
Contains extensive links to legal websites categorised by topics and by country (in French)
- Laws of all jurisdictions (arranged by subject) [Search]
(Internet Law Library)
- Laws of other nations [Search]
Lists every possible country (The Internet Law Library)
- Legal Links [Search]
Searchable index of links to many countries in Europe and elsewhere (The Law Society - United Kingdom)
- Legal Research [Search]
Legal links and resources
- Legal Resources in Europe [Search]
(on Saarbrücken Internet Project)
- Mishpat-Net [Search]
Legal information directory
- Open Directory - Society: Law [Search]
A comprehensive human-reviewed directory of the web
- Public International Law
Collection of WWW links related to International Law Topics assembled by A/Prof Francis Auburn Faculty of Economics Commerce Education and Law University of Western Australia
- Selected Links to Legal Information on the Internet
Links to legal sites including case law, legislation, law reform bodies and law journals (On Rhodes University - Faculty of Law)
- Social Science Information Gateway (SOSIG): Government and Public Administration [Search]
Comprehensive catalogue of internet legal resources listed by type. Includes Central Government, Housing, Local Government, Military Science, Public Law Enforcement, Regional Government, Welfare Administration
- The States Inventory Project [Search]
Links to laws, regulations, constitutions and case law for the U.S. states and territories and Canadian provinces
- Tilburg Internet Law Library [Search]
Contains links to legal materials on the Internet. The library has five main categories: Law by Topic, Law by Source, Organisations, Legal Education and Other (Tilburg University - Faculty of Law)
- Todo el Derecho [Search]
Legal portal in Spanish. Contains legislation, cases, doctrine, articles, publications and links
- Towards Cooperation in Access to Foreign Primary Law [Search]
Discusses cooperation in collection management, cooperation in interlibrary loan (ILL) and document supply and the potential contribution of new technologies (On - Law Library Resource Xchange)
- UEA Virtual Law Library [Search]
Contains links to legal resources including European, UK and foreign legal websites, law schools, law journals, law reform, law libraries. Maintained by Rosemary Pattenden (on University of East Anglia)
- UK Centre for Legal Education (UKCLE) [Search]
National Centre for Legal Education (NCLE) (Law Technology Centre, Warwick Law School, England)
- vlex [Search]
Comprehensive site of Spanish and Latin American legal information. Contains legislation, articles, decisions and links (In Spanish)
- World Bank Law Library [Search]
Contains links and tools on international organisations, international law, treaties, and laws of nations, with links to their constitutions, parliaments, legislation, ministries and news sources (on World Bank)
- World Government Sources
Links to world government sites (On Clement C. Maxwell Library, Bridgewater State College)
- World Justice Information Network [Search]
Global information exchange on the rule of law
- The World Law Guide
Netherlands legal index categorized by law firms case law legislation law schools courts etc; over 3000 legal links to over 40 countries (Lexadin)
- WWW Virtual Library - LAW [Search]
Indexes by subject matter and organisation type (Indiana University School of Law)
- Yahoo! - Government:Countries index
Government links for many contries including legal links
- Yahoo! Law Index - By Subject
- Yahoo! Law Indices [Search]
over 40 indices to law US and world