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- ADB Development Topic - Poverty Reduction [Search]
Objectives, strategies, regional, country and sector analyses and partnership agreements (Asian Development Bank)
- CARE [Search]
This site contains CARE's operations in each country, including descriptions of each individual project
- Consultative Group to Assist the Poorest - CGAP [Search]
A multi-donor institution with a mission to improve the capacity of microfinance institutions (MFIs) to deliver flexible, high-quality financial services on a sustainable basis to the very poor
- Energy Sector Management Assistance Programme - ESMAP [Search]
Program sponsored by the World Bank and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) that focuses on the role of energy in economic development
- Fidamerica [Search]
Promotes the development of information systems for the rural poor in Latin America and the Caribbean (In Spanish)
- Grameen Bank [Search]
Provides credit to the poorest of the poor in rural Bangladesh without any collateral
- HIPC Debt Initiative - World Bank [Search]
Initiative proposed by the World Bank and IMF and agreed by governments around the world to reduce the external debt of the world's poorest, most heavily indebted countries
- ILO'S Actions to Eradicate Poverty [Search]
Overview of the International Labor Organisation's activities to eradicate poverty
- IMF's Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility - PRGF [Search]
Aims at making poverty reduction efforts among low-income members a key and more explicit element of a renewed growth-oriented economic strategy (International Monetary Fund - IMF)
- Inter-American Development Bank - Poverty and Inequality [Search]
Provides technical leadership for the Bank and its member governments’ work in the area of poverty reduction
- Inter-American Program to Combat Poverty and Discrimination
Establishes the policies of the Organization of American States (OAS) with respect to social development and, specifically, to prepare an Inter-American Program to Combat Poverty and Discrimination
- International Development Association (IDA) [Search]
Addresses poverty through a broad range of projects and policy advice to governments of developing countries. Provides overview by regions. (World Bank Group)
- Knowledge Sharing to Fight Poverty - World Bank [Search]
World Bank Group aims to fight poverty by providing resources, sharing knowledge, building capacity, and forging partnerships in the public and private sector
- NetAid [Search]
Uses the Internet to fight extreme poverty
- The OAS and Overcoming Poverty [Search]
Information about the OAS policies regarding poverty (Organization of American States - Unit for Social Development and Education)
- Our Dream: A World Free of Poverty [Search]
This book contains case studies on poverty projects from around the world. Written by Sandra Granzow (On World Bank)
- Poverty Alleviation output at UNCTAD [Search]
Contains links to poverty alleviation work carried out by United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
- Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility (PRGF) - Operational Issues [Search]
Addresses the implications of the new strategy forthe Fund's own lending through the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility (International Monetary Fund - IMF)
- Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers - Operational Issues [Search]
This paper, jointly produced by Bank and Fundstaffs, summarizes suggested guidelines for the development of poverty reduction strategies andPRSPs and discusses the role of Bank and Fund staffs
- Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility - PPIAF [Search]
A multi-donor program to help eliminate poverty and achieve sustainable development through private sector involvement in infrastructure
- Strategies and Tools against social Exclusion and Poverty - STEP [Search]
Carries out activities on all five continents and concentrates its efforts on improving the quality of life of the poorest and the socially excluded (ILO)
- Synergos: Programs [Search]
Information about Synergos programs developed in Africa, Asia and Latin America
- United Nations Development Programme - Poverty [Search]
Information on UNDP Poverty activities
- Water and Sanitation Program [Search]
An international partnership to help the poor gain sustained access to improved water supply and sanitation services (In English, French and Spanish)