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- Guide to Law Online - Iraq
Guide to sources of information on Iraq government and law (Global Legal Information Network - GLIN)
- Iraq [Search]
Contains information and links to Iraq government, legislation, courts, decisions, human rights, law schools and more (on Jurist)
- Iraq [Search]
Links and online information: books, documents, economy, history, Internet sites, Kurds, maps, media, military, news, Opposition, politics and sanctions (Arab Gateway)
- IRAQ - A Country Study [Search]
Presents a description and analysis of the history and the religious, social, economic, political and national security systems, including the criminal justice system (Library of Congress)
- Iraq Resource Information Site - IRIS [Search]
Comprehensive site on Iraqi information. Includes government, economy, trade, sanctions, Islam and more
- Islaw - Republic of Iraq [Search]
Constitution, some laws, opposition and minority groups, human rights information, UN and other political documents
- SOSIG Law Gateway: Iraq [Search]
Internet resources on Iraq (Social Science Information Gateway - SOSIG)