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Guide to resources for high school students
- Board of Studies NSW [Search]
Curriculum, assessment and certification authority for NSW
- Discovering Democracy [Search]
Information about NSW syllabus links, school projects, curriculum resources, advanced professional development courses, teacher forums, discussion papers and links (ABC website)
- Legal Studies [Search]
HSC Syllabuses, HSC Support Materials and HSC Examination Resources (Board of Studies NSW)
- Legal Studies - Past Exams [Search]
Past Higher School Certificate Examination Papers and Notes from the Marking Centre (NSW HSC Online)
- Legal Studies - Syllabus [Search]
Introduction to the Syllabus, Law & Society courses and Additional Focus Studies (NSW HSC Online)
- Student For a Day [Search]
Bond University program for high school students to team up with University students (Bond University)
- Student Resources [Search]
Resources for secondary school students undertaking legal studies in New South Wales (Lawlink NSW)