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- Benkler, Yochai, "'Sharing Nicely': On Shareable Goods and the Emergence of Sharing as a Modality of Economic Production"
- Benkler, Yochai, "Coase's Penguin, or Linux and 'The Nature of the Firm'" [Search]
- Benkler, Yochai, "The Commons As A Neglected Factor Of Information Policy" [Search]
- Benkler, Yochai, "The Political Economy of the Commons" [Search]
- Benkler, Yochai, "The Wealth of Networks: How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom"
- Berry, David M. and Moss, Giles, "On the 'Creative Commons': A Critique of the Commons Without Commonalty" [Search]
- Bollier, David, "Commons Sense: Community Ownership and the Displacement of Corporate Control" [Search]
- Bollier, David, "Globalization, Cultural Diversity and the Commons" [Search]
- Bollier, David, "Is the Commons a Movement?" [Search]
- Elkin-Koren, Niva, "Exploring Creative Commons: A Skeptical View of a Worthy Pursuit" [Search]
- Greenleaf, Graham, "Commons & Collecting Societies: Collision or Collaboration" [Search]
- Greenleaf, Graham; Vaile, David; and Chung, Philip, "Unlocking IP - National Dimensions of Public Rights and the Public Domain in Australian Copyright" [Search]
- Hardin, Garrett, "The Tragedy of the Commons" [Search]
- Hess, Charlotte and Ostrom, Elinor, "Ideas, Artifacts and Facilities: Information as a Common-Pool Resource" [Search]
- Hess, Charlotte, "Is There Anything New Under the Sun? A Discussion and Survey of Studies on New Commons and the Internet"
- Kneen, Brewster, "Intellectual Property, the Commons and the Public Domain"
- Kranich, Nancy, "The Information Commons: A Public Policy Report"
- Lessig, Lawrence, "Code and the Commons" [Search]
- Lessig, Lawrence, "Free Culture" [Search]
- Lessig, Lawrence, "Reclaiming A Commons" [Search]