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- Ames Foundation Digital Collection of Legal History [Search]
Major collection of documents relevant to the foundations of the common law including English Year Books and Bracton Online (on Harvard Law Library)
- British Legal and Governmental Documents [Search]
Annotated links to foundation documents of England and other common law countries maintained by R. Hacken for the Harold B Lee Library, Brigham Young University (on Eurodocs)
- Colonial Case Law Project [Search]
Uncovering the hidden case law of the British empire's colonial courtsaiming for a comparative legal history of the British empire (on Macquarie University Law School)
- England - Anglo-American Legal Tradition [Search]
Documents from Medieval and Early Modern England from the National Archives in London
digitized and displayed through The O'Quinn Law Library of the University of Houston Law Center
- Iura Communia [Search]
Provides bibliographical information of the Common Law, and texts and articles about the history of the Common Law in Italian.
- Selden Society [Search]
Devoted to English legal history, having published books, pamphlets and lectures for over 100 years. (Homepage)