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Conference Calandar [2000] PLBIRp 19; (2000) 53 Privacy Laws and Business International Report 20

Conference Calandar

Conference on Electronic Government, Tilburg, the Netherlands, 18th May 2000

The Centre for Law, Public Administration and Informatisation (CRBI) of Tilburg University will organise a conference on electronic government to stimulate open debate on recent and anticipated developments in the field. For further information, contact CRBI, e-mail:, or see http://

Consumer Privacy and Data Protection in Japan and the U.S, USA, 19th May 2000

A conference organised and sponsored by the Japan-US Privacy & Data Protection Programme of the Center for Social Legal Research. The conference will take place in Washington DC. To receive a programme and information on how to register, contact David Ciauro, Tel: +1 201 996 1154.

Data Protection Ireland 2000, Dublin, 29th May 2000

A new data protection law is expected to be passed in Ireland this summer. The conference discusses how the new law will affect organisations. A UK view will be offered by Bojana Bellamy, Principal Consultant, Privacy Laws & Business, who will explain UK companies' experience in complying with the new UK Act. For more information, contact IIR, tel: +44 (0)20 7915 5055, e-mail:

Privacy Laws & Business Conference on Human Resources, London, UK, 13th June 2000

A one-day conference dedicated to studying the Draft Code of Practice on Human Resources, which will be available for consultation at the time. The day is essential for anyone dealing with employment data, and provides you with the opportunity to put your views directly to the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner. For further information, and to receive a programme, please contact Gill Ehrlich, Tel: + 44 (0)20 8423 1300, e-mail: info@, or see

Privacy Laws & Business 13th Annual International Conference, Cambridge, UK, 3-5th July 2000

Our three-day residential international conference on data protection and privacy issues. The programme includes sessions on the new UK Data Protection Act, international transfers of data, new restrictions to direct marketing and much more. The conference is a must for both experienced data protection managers and those newly appointed. Book your place now to avoid disappointment. For details, contact Gill Ehrlich (see above), or see

KnowRight 2000 - InfoEthics Europe, Vienna, Austria, 26-29th September 2000

A conference organised by the Austrian Computer Society and UNESCO. The conference will discuss ethical and fair use of networks and electronic commerce, security and privacy issues. For more information, see http://

22nd International Conference on Privacy and Personal Data Protection, "Towards an electronic citizenship," Venice, Italy, 28-30th September 2000

International Conference of Data Protection & Privacy Commissioners, which is also open for fee-paying observers. The conference is being organised by Italy's Data Protection Authority, Tel: +39 06 681 8636. The preliminary programme will be available on the Internet at http://

Privacy & American Business Seventh Annual National Conference, Washington, USA, 28-30th November 2000

A conference which discusses privacy issues, trends and solutions. For more information, contact PA&B, Tel: +1 201 996 1154, e-mail:

Privacy 2000, Ohio, USA, 29th November 2000

A conference about information & security in the digital age. For more information, contact Sol Bermann, Legal Project Manager, Tel: + 1 614 688 4578, Fax: + 1 614 292 1992, e-mail:

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