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European Communities International Agreements |
Interim Agreement on trade and trade-related matters
between the European Economic Community and the European Coal and
Steel Community,
of the one part, and the Czech and Slovak Federal
Republic, of the other part - Protocol 1 on textile and clothing
products - Protocol
2 on ECSC products - Protocol 3 on trade
between the CSFR and the Community in processed agricultural
products not covered by Annex
II to the EEC Treaty - Protocol 4
concerning the definition of the concept of originating products
and methods of administrative
cooperation - Protocol 5 on specific
provisions relating to trade between the CSFR, of the one part, and
Spain and Portugal, of the
other part - Protocol 6 on mutual
assistance in customs matters - Protocol 7 on concessions with
annual limits - Final Act - Joint
Declarations - Exchanges of
Letters - Unilateral Declarations
Official Journal L 115 , 30/04/1992 P. 0002 - 0051
INTERIM AGREEMENT on trade and trade-related matters between the European Economic Community and the European Coal and Steel Community, of the one part, and the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic, of the other part
The EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY and the EUROPEAN COAL AND STEEL COMMUNITY, hereinafter referred to as 'the Community`,
of the one part,
and the CZECH AND SLOVAK FEDERAL REPUBLIC, hereinafter referred to as 'the CSFR`,
of the other part,
WHEREAS the European Agreement establishing an association between the European Communities and their Member States and the CSFR was signed in Brussels on 16 December 1991;
WHEREAS the aim of the European Agreement is to provide an appropriate framework for political dialogue; it is to govern commercial and economic relations between the Parties and includes provisions relating to financial cooperation and assistance and the promotion of cooperation in cultural matters;
WHEREAS the European Agreement is intended to strengthen and widen the relations established previously, notably by the Agreement on trade and commercial and economic cooperation between the European Economic Community and the CSFR signed on 7 May 1990 and the Protocol on trade and commercial and economic cooperation between the European Coal and Steel Community and the CSFR initialled on 28 June 1991;
WHEREAS it is necessary to ensure the development of trade relations between the implementation of the agreements on trade and commercial and economic cooperation and that of the European Agreement;
WHEREAS to this end it is necessary to implement as speedily as possible, by means of an Interim Agreement, provisions of the European Agreement on trade and trade-related matters;
WHEREAS it is necessary to ensure that pending the entry into force of the European Agreement and the establishment of the Association Council, the Joint Committee set up by the Agreement on trade and commercial and economic cooperation can exercise the powers assigned by the European Agreement to the Association Council which are necessary in order to implement the Interim Agreement,
HAVE DECIDED to conclude this Agreement and to this end have designated as their plenipotentiaries,
Hans van den BROEK,
Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands,
President-in-Office of the Council of the European Communities;
Vice-President of the Commission of the European Communities;
Vice-President of the Commission of the European Communities;
Minister for Foreign Affairs of the CSFR;§>
WHO, having exchanged their full powers, formed in good and due form,
Article 1 (EA 7)
1. The Community and the CSFR shall gradually establish a free trade area in a transitional period lasting a maximum of 10 years starting from the entry into force of this Agreement (hereinafter called 'the Agreement`) in accordance with the provisions of the present Agreement and in conformity with those of the General Agreement on tariffs and trade.
2. The combined nomenclature of goods shall be applied to the classification of goods in trade between the two Parties.
3. For each product the basic duty to which the successive reductions set out in this Agreement are to be applied shall be that actually applied erga omnes on the day preceding the date of entry into force of the Agreement.
4. If, after entry into force of the Agreement, any tariff reduction is applied on an erga omnes basis, in particular reductions resulting from the tariff agreement concluded as a result of the GATT Uruguay Round, such reduced duties shall replace the basic duties referred to in paragraph 3 as from the date when such reductions are applied.
5. The Community and the CSFR shall communicate to each other their respective basic duties.
Chapter I
Industrial products
Article 2 (EA 8)
1. The provisions of this Chapter shall apply to products originating in the Community and in the CSFR listed in Chapters 25 to 97 of the combined nomenclature with the exception of the products listed in Annex I.
2. The provisions of Articles 3 to 7 included do not apply to products mentioned in Articles 9 and 10.
Article 3 (EA 9)
1. Customs duties on imports applicable in the Community to products originating in the CSFR other than those listed in Annexes IIa, IIb and III shall be abolished on the entry into force of the Agreement.
2. Customs duties on imports applicable in the Community to products originating in the CSFR which are listed in Annex IIa shall be progressively abolished in accordance with the following timetable:
- on the date of entry into force of this Agreement each duty shall be reduced to 50 % of the basic duty,
- one year after the date of entry into force of this Agreement the remaining duties shall be eliminated.
Customs duties on imports applicable in the Community to products originating in the CSFR listed in Annex IIb shall be progressively reduced, from the date of entry into force of this Agreement, by annual reductions of 20 % of the basic duty, so as to arrive at a total abolition by the end of the fourth year after the date of entry into force of the Agreement.
3. The products of the CSFR origin listed in Annex III shall benefit from a suspension of customs duties on imports within the limits of annual Community tariff quotas or ceilings increasing progressively in accordance with the conditions defined in that Annex so as to arrive at a complete abolition of customs duties on imports of the products concerned at the end of the fifth year at the latest.
At the same time, customs duties on imports applicable to import quantities in excess of the quotas or ceilings provided for above shall be progressively dismantled from the entry into force of the Agreement by annual reductions of 15 %. By the end of the fifth year, remaining duties shall be abolished.
4. Quantitative restrictions and measures having an equivalent effect to quantitative restrictions on imports to the Community shall be abolished on the date of entry into force of the Agreement with regard to the products originating in the CSFR.
Article 4 (EA 10)
1. Customs duties on imports applicable in the CSFR to products originating in the Community listed in Annex IV shall be abolished on the date of entry into force of the Agreement.
2. Customs duties on imports applicable in the CSFR to products originating in the Community which are listed in Annex V shall be progressively reduced in accordance with the following timetable:
- on the date of entry into force of the Agreement each duty shall be reduced to 80 % of the basic duty,
- three years after the date of entry into force of the Agreement each duty shall be reduced to 40 % of the basic duty,
- five years after the date of entry into force of the Agreement the remaining duties shall be eliminated.
3. Customs duties on imports applicable in the CSFR to products originating in the Community which are listed in Annex VI shall be progressively reduced according to the following timetable:
- three years after the date of entry into force of the Agreement each duty shall be reduced to 80 % of the basic duty,
- five years after the date of entry into force of the Agreement each duty shall be reduced to 60 % of the basic duty,
- seven years after the date of entry into force of the Agreement each duty shall be reduced to 40 % of the basic duty,
- nine years after the date of entry into force of the Agreement the remaining duties shall be eliminated.
4. Customs duties on imports applicable in the CSFR to products originating in the Community which are listed in Annex VII shall be progressively reduced in accordance with the following timetable:
- on the date of entry into force of the Agreement each duty shall be reduced to 80 % of the basic duty,
- three years after the date of entry into force of the Agreement each duty shall be reduced to 60 % of the basic duty,
- five years after the date of entry into force of the Agreement each duty shall be reduced to 40 % of the basic duty,
- seven years after the date of entry into force of the Agreement each duty shall be reduced to 20 % of the basic duty,
- nine years after the date of entry into force of the Agreement the remaining duties shall be eliminated.
5. Quantitative restrictions on imports into the CSFR of products originating in the Community shall be abolished on entry into force of the Agreement except for those listed in Annex VIII, which shall be progressiveley abolished by the end of the transitional period.
6. Measures having an effect equivalent to quantitative restrictions on imports into the CSFR of products originating in the Community shall be abolished upon entry into force of the Agreement.
Article 5 (EA 11)
The provisions concerning the abolition of customs duties on imports shall also apply to customs duties of a fiscal nature.
Article 6 (EA 12)
The Community and the CSFR shall abolish upon entry into force of this Agreement in trade between themselves, any charges having an effect equivalent to customs duties on imports.
Article 7 (EA 13)
1. The Community and the CSFR shall progressively abolish between them at the latest by the end of the fifth year after entry into force of the Agreement any customs duties on exports and charges having equivalent effect.
2. Quantitative restrictions on exports to the CSFR and any measures having equivalent effect shall be abolished by the Community on the entry into force of the Agreement.
3. Quantitative restrictions on exports to the Community and any measures having equivalent effect shall be abolished by the CSFR upon entry into force of the Agreement, except for those restrictions listed in Annex IX which shall be abolished at the latest by the end of the fifth year after the entry into force of the Agreement.
Article 8 (EA 14)
Each Party declares its readiness to reduce its customs duties in trade with the other Party more rapidly than is provided for in Articles 3 and 4 if its general economic situation and the situation of the economic sector concerned so permit.
The Joint Committee referred to in Article 37 (hereinafter referred to as 'the Joint Committee`) may make recommendations to this effect.
Article 9 (EA 15)
Protocol 1 lays down the arrangements applicable to the textile products referred to therein.
Article 10 (EA 16)
Protocol 2 lays down the arrangements applicable to products covered by the Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community.
Article 11 (EA 17)
1. The provisions of the present Chapter do not preclude the retention by the Community of an agricultural component in the duties applicable to products listed in Annex X in respect of products originating in the CSFR.
2. The provisions of the present Chapter do not preclude the introduction of an agricultural component by the CSFR in the duties applicable to the products listed in Annex X in respect of products originating in the Community.
Chapter II
Article 12 (EA 18)
1. The provisions of this Chapter shall apply to agricultural products originating in the Community and in the CSFR.
2. The term 'agricultural products` means the products listed in Chapters 1 to 24 of the combined nomenclature and the products listed in Annex I, but excluding fishery products as defined by Regulation (EEC) No 3687/91.
Article 13 (EA 19)
Protocol 3 lays down the trade arrangements for processed agricultural products which are listed in such Protocol.
Article 14 (EA 20)
1. The Community shall abolish at the date of entry into force of the Agreement the quantitative restrictions on imports of agricultural products originating in the CSFR maintained by virtue of Council Regulation (EEC) No 3420/83 in the form existing on the date of signature hereof.
2. The agricultural products originating in the CSFR listed in Annex XI shall benefit, upon the date of entry into force of this Agreement, from the reduction of levies within the limit of Community quotas or from the reduction of customs duties and upon the conditions provided in the same Annex.
3. The CSFR shall gradually abolish quantitative restrictions on imports of agricultural products originating in the Community listed in Annex XII in accordance with the conditions established in that Annex.
4. The Community and the CSFR shall grant each other the concessions referred to in Annexes XIIIa, XIIIb and XIV on a harmonious and reciprocal basis, in accordance with the conditions laid down therein.
5. Taking account of the volume of trade in agricultural products between them, of their particular sensitivity, of the rules of the common agricultural policy of the Community, of the rules of the agricultural policy of the CSFR and of the consequences of the multilateral trade negotiations under the General Agreement on tariffs and trade, the Community and the CSFR shall examine in the Joint Committee, product by product and on an orderly and reciprocal basis, the possibilities of granting each other further concessions.
Article 15 (EA 21)
Notwithstanding other provisions of this Agreement and in particular Article 24, if, given the particular sensitivity of the agricultural markets, imports of products originating in one Party, which are the subject of concessions granted in Article 14, cause serious disturbance to the markets in the other Party, both Parties shall enter into consultations immediately to find an appropriate solution. Pending such solution, the Party concerned may take the measures it deems necessary.
Chapter III
Article 16 (EA 22)
The provisions of this Chapter shall apply to fishery products originating in the Community and in the CSFR, which are covered by Regulation (EEC) No 3687/91 on the common organization of the market in the sector of fishery products.
Article 17 (EA 23)
The fishery products originating in the CSFR listed in Annex XV shall benefit upon the date of entry into force of this Agreement from the reduction of customs duties provided in that Annex. The provisions of Article 14 paragraph 5 shall apply mutatis mutandis to fishery products.
Chapter IV
Common provisions
Article 18 (EA 24)
The provisions of this Chapter shall apply to trade in all products except where otherwise provided herein or in Protocols 1, 2 or 3.
Article 19 (EA 25)
1. No new customs duties on imports or exports or charges having equivalent effect shall be introduced, nor shall those already applied be increased, in the trade between the Community and the CSFR from the date of entry into force of the Agreement.
2. No new quantitative restriction on imports or exports or measures having equivalent effect shall be introduced nor shall those existing be made more restrictive in the trade between the Community and the CSFR from the date of entry into force of the Agreement.
3. Without prejudice to the concessions granted pursuant to Article 14, the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article shall not restrict in any way the pursuance of the respective agricultural policies of the CSFR and the Community or the taking of any measures under such policies.
Article 20 (EA 26)
1. The two Parties shall refrain from any measure or practice of an internal fiscal nature establishing, whether directly or indirectly, discrimination between the products of one Party and like products originating in the territory of the other Party.
2. Products exported to the territory of one of the two Parties may not benefit from repayment of internal taxation in excess of the amount of direct or indirect taxation imposed on them.
Article 21 (EA 27)
1. This Agreement shall not preclude the maintenance or establishment of customs unions, free trade areas or arrangements for frontier trade except in so far as they alter the trade arrangements provided for in this Agreement.
2. Consultations between the Parties shall take place within the Joint Committee concerning agreements establishing such customs unions or free trade areas and, where requested, on other major issues related to their respective trade policy with third countries. In particular in the event of a third country acceding to the Community, such consultations shall take place so as to ensure that account can be taken of the mutual interests of the Community and the CSFR stated in this Agreement.
Article 22 (EA 28)
Exceptional measures of limited duration which derogate from the provisions of Article 4 and Article 19 (1) may be taken by the CSFR in the form of increased customs duties.
These measures may only concern infant industries, or certain sectors undergoing restructuring or facing serious difficulties, particularly where these difficulties produce important social problems.
Customs duties on imports applicable in the CSFR to products originating in the Community introduced by these measures may not exceed 25 % ad valorem and shall maintain an element of preference for products originating in the Community.
The total value of imports of the products which are subject to these measures may not exceed 15 % of total imports of industrial products from the Community as defined in Chapter I, during the last year for which statistics are available.
These measures shall be applied for a period not exceeding five years unless a longer duration is authorized by the Joint Committee. They shall cease to apply at the latest at the expiration of the transitional period.
No such measures can be introduced in respect of a product if more than three years have elapsed since the elimination of all duties and quantitative restrictions or charges or measures having an equivalent effect concerning that product.
The CSFR shall inform the Joint Committee of any exceptional measures it intends to take and, at the request of the Community, consultations shall be held in the Joint Committee on such measures and the sectors to which they apply before they are applied. When taking such measures the CSFR shall provide the Joint Committee with a schedule for the elimination of the customs duties introduced under this Article. This schedule shall provide for a phasing out of these duties starting at the latest two years after their introduction at equal annual rates. The Joint Committee may decide on a different schedule.
Article 23 (EA 29)
If one of the Parties finds that dumping is taking place in trade with the other Party within the meaning of Article VI of the General Agreement on tariffs and trade, it may take appropriate measures against this practice in accordance with the Agreement relating to the application of Article VI of the General Agreement on tariffs and trade, with related internal legislation and with the conditions and procedures laid down in Article 27.
Article 24 (EA 30)
Where any product is being imported in such increased quantities and under such conditions as to cause or threaten to cause:
- serious injury to domestic producers of like or directly competitive products in the territory of one of the Parties, or
- serious disturbances in any sector of the economy or difficulties which could bring about serious deterioration in the economic situation of a region,
the Community or the CSFR, whichever is concerned, may take appropriate measures under the conditions and in accordance with the procedures laid down in Article 27.
Article 25 (EA 31)
Where compliance with the provisions of Articles 7 and 19 leads to:
(i) re-export towards a third country against which the exporting Party maintains, for the product concerned, quantitative export restrictions, export duties or measures having equivalent effect, or
(ii) a serious shortage, or threat thereof, of a product essential to the exporting Party,
and where the situations referred to above give rise, or are likely to give rise to major difficulties for the exporting Party, that Party may take appropriate measures under the conditions and in accordance with the procedures laid down in Article 27. The measures shall be non-discriminatory and be eliminated when conditions no longer justify their maintenance.
Article 26 (EA 32)
The Member States and the CSFR shall progressively adjust any State monopolies of a commercial character so as to ensure that, by the end of the fifth year following the entry into force of this Agreement, no discrimination regarding the conditions under which goods are procured and marketed exists between nationals of the Member States and of the CSFR. The Joint Committee will be informed about the measures adopted to implement this objective.
Article 27 (EA 33)
1. In the event of the Community or the CSFR subjecting imports of products liable to give rise to the difficulties referred to in Article 24 to an administrative procedure having as its purpose the rapid provision of information on the trend of trade flows, it shall inform the other Party.
2. In the cases specified in Articles 23, 24 and 25, before taking the measures provided for therein or, in cases to which paragraph 3 (d) applies, as soon as possible, the Community or the CSFR, as the case may be, shall supply the Joint Committee with all relevant information with a view to seeking a solution acceptable to the two Parties.
In the selection of measures, priority must be given to those which least disturb the functioning of the Agreement.
The safeguard measures shall be notified immediately to the Joint Committee and shall be the subject of periodic consultations within that body, particularly with a view to establishing a timetable for their abolition as soon as circumstances permit.
3. For the implementation of paragraph 2, the following provisions shall apply:
(a) As regards Article 24, the difficulties arising from the situation referred to in that Article shall be referred for examination to the Joint Committee, which may take any decision needed to put an end to such difficulties.
If the Joint Committee or the exporting Party has not taken a decision putting an end to the difficulties or no other satisfactory solution has been reached within 30 days of the matter being referred, the importing Party may adopt the appropriate measures to remedy the problem. These measures must not exceed the scope of what is necessary to remedy the difficulties which have arisen.
(b) As regards Article 23, the Joint Committee shall be informed of the dumping case as soon as the authorities of the importing Party have initiated an investigation. When no end has been put to the dumping or no other satisfactory solution has been reached within 30 days of the matter being referred to the Joint Committee, the importing Party may adopt the appropriate measures.
(c) As regards Article 25, the difficulties arising from the situations referred to in that Article shall be referred for examination to the Joint Committee.
The Joint Committee may take any decision needed to put an end to the difficulties. If it has not taken such a decision within 30 days of the matter being referred to it, the exporting Party may apply appropriate measures on the exportation of the product concerned.
(d) Where exceptional circumstances requiring immediate action make prior information or examination, as the case may be, impossible, the Community or the CSFR whichever is concerned may, in the situations specified in Articles 23, 24 and 25, apply forthwith the precautionary measures strictly necessary to deal with the situation, and the Joint Committee will be informed immediately.
Article 28 (EA 34)
Protocol 4 lays down rules of origin, for the application of tariff preferences foreseen in this Agreement.
Article 29 (EA 35)
The Agreement shall not preclude prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports or goods in transit justified on grounds of public morality, public policy or public security; the protection of health and life of humans, animals or plants; the protection of national treasures of artistic, historic or archaeological value or the protection of intellectual, industrial and commercial property or rules relating to gold and silver. Such prohibitions or restrictions shall not, however, constitute a means of arbitrary discrimination or a disguised restriction on trade between the Parties.
Article 30 (EA 36)
Protocol 5 lays down the specific provisions to apply to trade between the CSFR of the one part and Spain and Portugal of the other part.
Article 31 (EA 59)
The Parties undertake to authorize, in freely convertible currency, any payments on the current account of balance of payments to the extent that the transaction underlying the payments concern movements of goods between the Parties which have been liberalized pursuant to the present Agreement.
Article 32 (EA 62)
With reference to the provisions of this Chapter, and notwithstanding the provisions of Article 34, until a full convertibility of the CSFR currency in the meaning of Article VIII of the International Monetary Fund is introduced, the CSFR may in exceptional circumstances apply exchange restrictions connected with the granting or taking up of short and medium-term credits to the extent that such restrictions are imposed on the CSFR for the granting of such credits and are permitted according to the CSFR's status under the IMF.
The CSFR shall apply these restrictions in a non-discriminatory manner. They shall be applied in such a manner as to cause the least possible disruption to this Agreement. The CSFR shall inform the Joint Committee promptly of the introduction of such measures and of any changes therein.
Article 33 (EA 63)
1. The following are incompatible with the proper functioning of the Agreement, in so far as they may affect trade between the Community and the CSFR:
(i) all agreements between undertakings, decisions by associations of undertakings and concerted practices between undertakings which have as their object or effect the prevention, restriction or distortion of competition;
(ii) abuse by one or more undertakings of a dominant position in the territories of the Community or of the CSFR as a whole or in a substantial part thereof;
(iii) any public aid which distorts or threatens to distort competition by favouring certain undertakings or the production of certain goods.
2. Any practices contrary to this Article shall be assessed on the basis of criteria arising from the application of the rules of Articles 85, 86 and 92 of the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community.
3. The Joint Committee shall, within three years of the entry into force of the Agreement, adopt by decision the necessary rules for the implementation of paragraphs 1 and 2.
Until the implementing rules are adopted, practices incompatible with paragraph 1 of Article 3 shall be dealt with by the Parties on their respective territories according to their respective legislations. This is without prejudice to Article 33 paragraph 6 of this Agreement.
4. (a) For the purposes of applying the provisions of paragraph 1, point (iii), the Parties recognize that during the first five years after the entry into force of the Agreement, any public aid granted by the CSFR shall be assessed taking into account the fact that the CSFR shall be regarded as an area identical to those areas of the Community described in Article 92 (3) (a) of the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community. The Joint Committee shall, taking into account the economic situation of the CSFR, decide whether that period should be extended by further periods of five years.
(b) Each Party shall ensure transparency in the area of public aid, inter alia by reporting annually to the other Party on the total amount and the distribution of the aid given and by providing, upon request, information on aid schemes. Upon request by one Party, the other Party shall provide information on particular individual cases of public aid.
5. With regard to products referred to in Chapters II and III of Title I:
- the provision of paragraph 1 (iii) does not apply,
- any practices contrary to paragraph 1 (i) should be assessed according to the criteria established by the Community on the basis of Articles 42 and 43 of the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community and in particular of those established in Council Regulation (EEC) No 26/1962.
6. If the Community or the CSFR considers that a particular practice is incompatible with the terms of the first paragraph of this Article, and:
- is not adequately dealt with under the implementing rules referred to in paragraph 3, or
- in the absence of such rules, and if such practice causes or threatens to cause serious prejudice to the interest of the other Party or material injury to its domestic industry, including its services industry,
it may take appropriate measures after consultation within the Joint Committee or after 30 working days following referral for such consultation.
In the case of practices incompatible with paragraph 1 (iii) of this Article, such appropriate measures may, where the General Agreement on tariffs and trade applies thereto, only be adopted in conformity with the procedures and under the conditions laid down by the General Agreement on tariffs and trade and any other relevant instrument negotiated under its auspices which are applicable between the Parties.
7. Notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary adopted in conformity with paragraph 3, the Parties shall exchange information taking into account the limitations imposed by the requirements of professional and business secrecy.
8. This Article shall not apply to the products covered by the Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community which are the subject of Protocol 2.
Article 34 (EA 64)
1. Where one or more Member States of the Community or the CSFR is in serious balance of payments difficulties, or under imminent threat thereof, the Community or the CSFR, as the case may be, may, in accordance with the conditions established under the General Agreement on tariffs and trade adopt restrictive measures, including measures relating to imports, which shall be of limited duration and may not go beyond what is necessary to remedy the balance of payments situation. The measures shall be progressively relaxed as balance of payments conditions improve and they shall be eliminated when conditions no longer justify their maintenance. The Community or the CSFR, as the case may be, shall inform the other Party forthwith of their introduction and, whenever practicable, of a time schedule for their removal.
2. The Parties shall nevertheless endeavour to avoid the imposition of restrictive measures for balance of payments purposes.
Article 35 (EA 65)
With regard to public undertakings, and undertakings to which special or exclusive rights have been granted, the Joint Committee shall ensure that as from the third year following the date of entry into force of the Agreement, the principles of the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, notably Article 90, and the principles of the concluding document of the April 1990 Bonn meeting of the Conference on security and cooperation in Europe, notably entrepreneurs' freedom of decision, are upheld.
Article 36
1. The CSFR shall continue to improve the protection of intellectual, industrial and commercial property rights in order to provide, by the end of the fifth year after the entry into force of the Agreement, a level of protection similar to that provided in the Community by Community acts, in particular the ones referred to in Annex XVII, including comparable means of enforcing such rights.
2. Mutual assistance between administrative authorities in customs matters of the Parties shall take place in accordance with the provisions of Protocol 6.
Article 37 (EA 103)
The Joint Committee set up by the Agreement on trade and commercial and economic cooperation signed between the European Economic Community and the CSFR on 7 May 1990 shall perform the duties assigned to it by this Agreement until the Association Council provided for in Article 103 of the Europe Agreement is established.
Article 38 (EA 105)
The Joint Committee shall, for the purposes of attaining the objectives of the Agreement, have the power to take decisions in the cases provided for therein. The decisions taken shall be binding on the Parties which shall take the measures necessary to implement the decisions taken. The Joint Committee may also make appropriate recommendations.
It shall draw up its decisions and recommendations by agreement between the two Parties.
Article 39 (EA 106)
1. Each of the two Parties may refer to the Joint Committee any dispute relating to the application or interpretation of this Agreement.
2. The Joint Committee may settle the dispute by means of a decision.
3. Each Party shall be bound to take the measures involved in carrying out the decision referred to in paragraph 2.
4. In the event of it not being possible to settle the dispute in accordance with paragraph 2 of this Article, either Party may notify the other of the appointment of an arbitrator; the other Party must then appoint a second arbitrator within two months.
The Joint Committee shall appoint a third arbitrator.
The arbitrators' decisions shall be taken by majority vote.
Each Party to the dispute must take the steps required to implement the decision of the arbitrators.
Article 40 (EA 112)
Within the scope of this Agreement, each Party undertakes to ensure that natural and legal persons of the other Party have access free of discrimination in relation to its own nationals to the competent courts and administrative organs of the Community and the CSFR to defend their individual rights and their property rights, including those concerning intellectual, industrial and commercial property.
Article 41 (EA 113)
Nothing in the Agreement shall prevent a Party from taking any measures:
(a) which it considers necessary to prevent the disclosure of information contrary to its essential security interests;
(b) which relate to the production of, or trade in, arms, munitions or war materials or to research, development or production indispensable for defence purposes, provided that such measures do not impair the conditions of competition in respect of products not intended for specifically military purposes;
(c) which it considers essential to its own security in the event of serious internal disturbances affecting the maintenance of law and order, in time of war or serious international tension constituting threat of war or in order to carry out obligations it has accepted for the purpose of maintaining peace and international security.
Article 42 (EA 114)
In the fields covered by this Agreement and without prejudice to any special provisions contained therein:
- the arrangements applied by the CSFR in respect of the Community shall not give rise to any discrimination between the Member States, their nationals, or their companies or firms,
- the arrangements applied by the Community in respect of the CSFR shall not give rise to any discrimination between CSFR nationals or its companies or firms.
Article 43 (EA 115)
Products originating in the CSFR shall not enjoy more favourable treatment when imported into the Community than that applied by Member States among themselves.
Article 44 (EA 115)
1. The Parties shall take any general or specific measures required to fulfil their obligations under the Agreement. They shall see to it that the objectives set out in the Agreement are attained.
2. If either Party considers that the other Party has failed to fulfil an obligation under the Agreement, it may take appropriate measures. Before so doing, it shall supply the Joint Committee with all relevant information required for a thorough examination of the situation with a view to seeking a solution acceptable to the Parties.
In the selection of measures, priority must be given to those which least disturb the functioning of the Agreement. These measures shall be notified immediately to the Joint Committee and shall be the subject of consultations within the Joint Committee if the other Party so requests.
Article 45 (EA 118)
Protocols 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 and Annexes I to XV and XVII shall form an integral part of this Agreement.
Article 46 (EA 119)
1. This Agreement shall be applicable until the entry into force of the Europe Agreement signed on 16th December 1991 and at the latest until 31st December 1992.
2. Either Party may denounce this Agreement by notifying the other Party. This Agreement shall cease to apply six months after the date of such notification.
Article 47 (EA 120)
This Agreement shall apply, on the one hand, to the territories in which the Treaties establishing the European Economic Community and the European Coal and Steel Community are applied and under the conditions laid down in those Treaties and, on the other hand, to the territory of the CSFR.
Article 48 (EA 121)
This Agreement is drawn up in duplicate in the Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and Czech languages, each of these texts being equally authentic.
Article 49
This Agreement will be approved by the Parties in accordance with their own procedures.
This Agreement shall enter into force on the first day of the month following the date on which the Parties notify each other that the procedures referred to in the first paragraph have been completed.
Upon entry into force of this Agreement, Articles 2 and 3 paragraph 2, to 17 of the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic on trade and economic and commercial cooperation signed in Brussels on 7 May 1990 and the corresponding provisions of the Protocol between the European Coal and Steel Community and the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic initialled in Brussels on 28 June 1991, if they have entered into force, shall be suspended.
Article 50
1. In the event that this Agreement enters into force after 1 January but before 30 June 1992 for the purposes of Titles I and II of this Agreement and Protocols 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 hereto, the terms 'date of entry into force of the Agreement` shall mean:
- the date of entry into force in relation to obligations taking effect on that date, and
- 1 January 1992 in relation to obligations taking effect after the date of entry into force by reference to the date of entry into force.
2. In the case of entry into force after 1 January, the provisions of Protocol 7 shall apply.
En fe de lo cual, los plenipotenciarios abajo firmantes suscriben el presente Acuerdo.
Til bekraeftelse heraf har undertegnede befuldmaegtigede underskrevet denne aftale.
Zu Urkund dessen haben die unterzeichneten Bevollmaechtigten ihre Unterschriften unter dieses Abkommen gesetzt.
AAéò ðssóôùóç ôùí áíùôÝñù, ïé õðïãaaãñáììÝíïé ðëçñaaîïýóéïé Ýèaaóáí ôéò õðïãñáoeÝò ôïõò óôçí ðáñïýóá óõìoeùíssá.
In witness whereof the undersigned plenipotentiaries have signed this Agreement.
En foi de quoi, les plénipotentiaires soussignés ont apposé leurs signatures au bas du présent accord.
In fede di che, i plenipotenziari sottoscritti hanno apposto le loro firme in calce al presente accordo.
Ten blijke waarvan de ondergetekende gevolmachtigden hun handtekening onder deze Overeenkomst hebben gesteld.
Em fé do que, os plenipotenciários abaixo assinados apuseram as suas assinaturas no final do presente acordo.
No d°ukaz toho ní Oze podepsaní zmocn Oenci podepsali tuto Dohodu.
Hecho en Bruselas, el dieciséis de diciembre de mil novecientos noventa y uno.
Udfaerdiget i Bruxelles, den sekstende december nitten hundrede og enoghalvfems.
Geschehen zu Bruessel am sechzehnten Dezember neunzehnhunderteinundneunzig.
¸ãéíaa óôéò ÂñõîÝëëaaò, óôéò aeÝêá Ýîé AEaaêaaìâñssïõ ÷ssëéá aaííéáêueóéá aaíaaíÞíôá Ýíá.
Done at Brussels on the sixteenth day of December in the year one thousand nine hundred and ninety-one.
Fait à Bruxelles, le seize décembre mil neuf cent quatre-vingt-onze.
Fatto a Bruxelles, addì sedici dicembre millenovecentonovantuno.
Gedaan te Brussel, de zestiende december negentienhonderdeenennegentig.
Feito em Bruxelas, em dezasseis de Dezembro de mil novecentos e noventa e um.
Dáno v Bruselu Osestnáctého prosince roku tisíc dev Oet set devadesát jeden.
Por el Consejo y la Comisión de las Comunidades Europeas
For Raadet og Kommissionen for De Europaeiske Faellesskaber
Fuer den Rat und die Kommission der Europaeischen Gemeinschaften
Ãéá ôï Óõìâïýëéï êáé ôçí AAðéôñïðÞ ôùí AAõñùðáúêþí ÊïéíïôÞôùí
For the Council and the Commission of the European Communities
Pour le Conseil et la Commission des Communautés européennes
Per il Consiglio e la Commissione delle Comunità europee
Voor de Raad en de Commissie van de Europese Gemeenschappen
Pelo Conselho e pela Comissão das Comunidades Europeias
Za Radu a Komisi Evropsk´ych spole Ocenství
Por la República Federativa Checa y Eslovaca
For Den Tjekkiske og Slovakiske Foederative Republik
Fuer die Tschechische und Slowakische Foederative Republik
Ãéá ôçí Ôóaa÷éêÞ êáé ÓëïâáêéêÞ ÏìïóðïíaeéáêÞ AEçìïêñáôssá
For the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic
Pour la République fédérative tchèque et slovaque
Per la Repubblica federativa ceca e slovacca
Voor de Tsjechische en Slowaakse Federatieve Republiek
Pela República Federativa Checa e Eslovaca
Za OCeskou a Slovenskou Federativní Republiku
List of products referred to in Articles 2 and 12 of the Agreement
Basic products on which customs duty will be reduced by 50 % when the Agreement enters into force and abolished on 1 January 1993
CN code 1991
2501 00 31
2501 00 51
2501 00 91
2501 00 99
2503 90 00
2511 20 00
2513 19 00
2513 29 00
2516 12 10
2516 22 10
2516 90 10
2518 20 00
2518 30 00
2526 20 00
2530 40 00
2804 61 00
2804 69 00
2805 11 00
2805 19 00
2805 21 00
2805 22 00
2805 30 10
2805 30 90
2805 40 10
2818 20 00
2818 30 00
ex 2844 30 11 Raw cermets, waste or scrap
2844 30 19
ex 2844 30 51 Raw cermets, waste or scrap
3201 20 00
3201 30 00
3201 90 10
ex 3201 90 90 Other extracts of vegetable origin
4104 10 91
4105 11 91
4105 11 99
4105 12 10
4105 12 90
4105 19 10
4105 19 90
4106 11 90
4106 12 00
4106 19 00
4107 10 10
4107 29 10
4107 90 10
4403 10 10
7202 19 00
7202 30 00
7202 41 10
7202 41 90
7202 49 10
7202 49 50
7202 49 90
7202 50 00
7202 70 00
7202 80 00
7202 91 00
7202 92 00
7202 93 00
7202 99 30
7202 99 80
7602 00 19
8101 10 00
8101 91 10
8101 91 90
8102 10 00
8102 91 10
8102 91 90
8103 10 10
8103 10 90
8104 11 00
8104 19 00
8107 10 00
8108 10 10
8108 10 90
8109 10 10
8109 10 90
8110 00 11
8110 00 19
8111 00 11
8111 00 19
8112 20 31
8112 20 39
8112 30 10
8112 40 11
8112 40 19
8112 91 10
8112 91 31
8112 91 39
8112 91 90
8113 00 10
Basic products on which customs duty will be reduced by 20 % per year when the Agreement enters into force and abolished on 31 December 1995
CN code 1991
7202 21 10
7202 21 90
7202 29 00
2501 00
2513 21
2520 20
2522 10
2522 20
2522 30
2703 00
2707 10
2707 20
2707 30
2707 40
2707 50
2707 60
2707 91
2711 12
2711 13
2711 14
2711 19
2712 90
2713 90
2713 90
2715 00
2803 00
2804 80
2806 10
2809 20
2811 21
2811 29
2816 10
2816 20
2816 30
2818 20
2818 30
2822 00
2824 10
2824 20
2824 90
2827 37
2829 11
2830 30
2832 10
2832 20
2832 30
2833 11
2833 22
2833 23
2833 29
2833 30
2836 20
2836 40
2836 60
2836 91
2836 92
2840 20
2841 30
2841 40
2841 90
2843 29
2844 10
2844 30
2846 10
2846 90
2847 00
2849 20
2851 00
2903 21
2905 17
2905 22
2905 29
2906 11
2906 12
2906 14
2906 19
2906 21
2906 29
2907 12
2907 13
2907 14
2907 19
2907 21
2908 90
2911 00
2912 12
2912 29
2912 49
2914 21
2914 23
2914 29
2914 30
2915 32
2917 12
2917 14
2932 21
2935 00
2936 21
2936 22
2936 23
2936 24
2936 25
2936 26
2936 90
2937 10
2937 21
2937 22
2937 29
2937 91
2937 99
2938 10
2938 90
2939 21
2939 29
2939 30
2939 70
2941 20
2941 40
2941 50
2941 90
3002 10
3002 90
3003 10
3003 31
3005 90
3006 10
3006 20
3006 30
3006 50
3101 00
3105 10
3105 90
3201 10
3201 20
3201 30
3201 90
3204 12
3204 13
3214 10
3214 90
3215 90
3301 11
3301 12
3301 13
3301 14
3301 19
3301 21
3301 22
3301 23
3301 24
3301 25
3301 26
3301 29
3301 90
3401 19
3401 20
3402 11
3402 12
3402 13
3402 19
3402 20
3402 90
3403 11
3403 91
3403 99
3405 30
3405 40
3405 90
3501 10
3502 10
3502 90
3603 00
3604 10
3606 10
3606 90
3702 10
3702 31
3702 32
3702 39
3702 41
3702 42
3702 43
3702 44
3702 51
3702 52
3702 53
3702 54
3702 55
3702 56
3702 91
3702 92
3702 93
3702 94
3702 95
3704 00
3705 10
3705 20
3705 90
3801 90
3803 00
3804 00
3807 00
3808 90
3809 92
3812 20
3816 00
3823 10
3904 69
3904 90
3907 10
3907 20
3907 40
3907 60
3912 11
3912 12
3912 20
3912 31
3912 90
3913 90
3920 72
3920 73
3920 91
4001 30
4005 10
4005 20
4005 91
4006 10
4006 90
4007 00
4009 50
4010 99
4014 16
4014 90
4104 10
4104 21
4104 22
4104 29
4104 31
4104 39
4105 11
4105 12
4105 19
4105 20
4106 11
4106 12
4106 19
4106 20
4107 10
4107 90
4108 00
4109 00
4203 10
4203 21
4203 30
4203 40
4204 00
4206 90
4302 11
4302 12
4302 13
4302 19
4302 20
4302 30
4401 21
4401 27
4404 10
4404 20
4405 00
4407 10
4407 99
4408 10
4408 20
4408 90
4412 11
4416 00
4418 50
4501 90
4502 00
4503 10
4504 10
4504 90
4601 10
4802 10
4802 60
4806 30
4806 40
4814 30
4905 10
4907 00
5002 00
5004 00
5005 00
5107 10
5107 20
5108 10
5108 20
5109 10
5109 90
5113 00
5203 00
5205 25
5205 45
5206 45
5207 10
5207 90
5306 10
5306 20
5406 10
5406 20
5407 20 11
5407 41
5407 42
5407 43
5407 44
5407 51
5407 52
5407 53
5407 54
5407 60
5407 71
5407 72
5407 73
5407 74
5407 81
5407 82
5407 83
5407 84
5407 91
5407 92
5407 93
5407 94
5408 21
5408 22
5408 23
5408 24
5408 31
5508 10
5511 10
5511 20
5511 30
5601 10
5601 21
5601 22
5601 29
5604 90
5902 90
5910 00
5911 10
5911 20
6103 41
6111 10
6116 93
6117 80
6206 10
6212 90
6214 90
6216 00
6305 31 91
6305 31 99
6402 11
6501 00
6505 10
6507 00
6703 00
6704 11
6704 19
6704 20
6704 90
6804 10
6804 21
6804 22
6804 23
6804 30
6805 10
6805 30
6806 10
6806 20
6806 90
6811 30
6812 20
6814 10
6814 90
6815 20
6901 00
6905 10
6905 90
6906 00
7001 00
7002 10
7002 20
7002 31
7002 32
7018 10
7101 10
7101 21
7101 22
7102 21
7102 29
7102 31
7102 39
7103 10
7103 91
7103 99
7104 10
7106 92
7107 00
7108 13
7108 20
7109 00
7110 19
7110 29
7110 39
7110 49
7111 00
7116 10
7116 20
7201 10
7201 20
7201 30
7201 40
7203 10
7203 90
7204 50
7205 21
7205 29
7505 11
7505 12
7505 21
7505 22
7506 10
7506 20
7507 11
7507 12
7507 20
7606 92
7609 00
7613 00
7614 10
7614 90
7801 10
7801 91
7801 99
7802 00
7804 11
7804 19
7906 00
8003 00
8004 00
8005 10
8007 00
8101 10
8101 92
8101 93
8101 99
8102 10
8102 92
8102 93
8102 99
8104 30
8104 90
8105 90
8107 90
8108 90
8109 90
8112 11
8112 19
8112 40
8112 99
8113 00
8201 20
8201 60
8201 90
8202 10
8202 20
8202 31
8202 32
8202 40
8202 91
8202 99
8203 20
8203 30
8203 40
8205 30
8206 00
8208 10
8208 20
8208 30
8208 40
8208 90
8211 10
8211 91
8211 94
8213 00
8214 10
8311 10
8311 30
8401 10
8401 30
8401 40
8405 10
8405 90
8406 11
8406 19
8406 90
8411 11
8411 12
8411 21
8411 22
8411 81
8411 82
8411 91
8411 99
8412 10
8412 31
8412 39
8412 80
8416 10
8416 20
8416 30
8416 90
8418 50
8418 61
8418 69
8419 11
8421 11
8421 12
8421 19
8421 21
8421 22
8421 29
8421 39
8421 91
8421 99
8422 20
8422 30
8422 40
8422 90
8423 90
8432 90
8433 90
8434 10
8434 20
8434 90
8435 90
8436 91
8436 99
8438 10
8438 20
8438 40
8438 50
8438 60
8440 10
8440 90
8441 10
8441 20
8441 30
8441 40
8441 80
8441 90
8442 10
8442 20
8442 30
8442 40
8442 50
8443 29
8443 40
8443 50
8443 60
8443 90
8444 00
8445 11
8445 12
8445 13
8445 19
8445 90
8447 90
8448 11
8448 32
8448 33
8448 39
8448 41
8448 42
8448 49
8448 51
8448 59
8449 00
8450 90
8453 10
8453 20
8453 90
8455 30
8456 20
8456 30
8456 90
8459 39
8460 31
8460 39
8461 20
8461 30
8461 90
8463 20
8463 30
8463 90
8464 10
8467 11
8467 19
8467 81
8467 89
8467 91
8467 92
8467 99
8470 30
8470 40
8470 50
8470 90
8472 10
8473 10
8473 40
8476 11
8476 19
8476 90
8477 90
8478 10
8478 90
8479 90
8480 71
8480 79
8483 90
8484 10
8484 90
8485 10
8485 90
8505 20
8505 30
8506 90
8508 10
8508 20
8508 80
8508 90
8509 20
8509 30
8509 90
8510 90
8516 90
8517 20
8517 90
8518 30
8519 21
8519 29
8519 31
8519 39
8519 40
8519 91
8519 99
8520 10
8520 20
8520 31
8520 39
8520 90
8521 10
8521 90
8522 10
8523 11
8523 12
8523 13
8523 20
8523 90
8524 10
8524 21
8524 22
8524 23
8524 90
8525 30
8526 10
8526 91
8527 11
8527 19
8527 21
8527 29
8527 31
8527 32
8527 39
8527 90
8529 10
8529 90
8533 10
8533 21
8533 29
8533 31
8533 39
8533 40
8533 90
8539 10
8539 90
8540 11
8540 12
8540 20
8540 30
8540 41
8540 42
8540 49
8540 81
8540 89
8540 91
8540 99
8541 10
8541 21
8541 29
8541 30
8541 40
8541 50
8541 60
8541 90
8543 10
8543 20
8543 30
8543 90
8544 70
8604 00
8609 00
8708 29
8708 60
8708 70
8708 80
8708 91
8708 92
8708 99
8710 00
8802 11
8802 12
8802 50
8803 30
8908 00
9001 10
9001 20
9001 30
9001 40
9001 50
9001 90
9003 11
9003 19
9003 90
9004 10
9004 90
9005 10
9005 80
9005 90
9006 10
9006 20
9006 30
9006 40
9006 51
9006 52
9006 53
9006 59
9006 61
9006 62
9006 69
9006 91
9006 99
9007 11
9007 19
9007 21
9007 91
9007 92
9008 10
9008 20
9008 30
9008 40
9008 90
9009 90
9010 90
9011 10
9011 20
9011 80
9011 90
9012 10
9012 90
9013 20
9013 80
9013 90
9014 10
9014 80
9014 90
9015 20
9015 30
9015 40
9015 80
9015 90
9017 10
9017 20
9017 90
9018 11
9018 19
9018 32
9018 39
9018 50
9018 90
9019 10
9020 00
9021 11
9021 19
9021 21
9021 29
9021 30
9021 40
9021 50
9021 90
9022 19
9022 21
9022 29
9022 30
9022 90
9025 11
9025 19
9025 80
9025 90
9026 10
9026 20
9026 80
9026 90
9027 10
9027 30
9027 40
9027 50
9027 80
9028 20
9028 90
9029 20
9029 90
9030 10
9030 20
9030 90
9031 40
9031 80
9031 90
9032 10
9032 20
9032 81
9032 90
9033 00
9101 11
9101 12
9101 19
9101 21
9101 29
9101 91
9101 99
9102 11
9102 12
9102 19
9102 21
9102 29
9102 91
9102 99
9103 10
9104 00
9105 11
9105 19
9105 21
9105 29
9105 91
9105 99
9106 10
9107 00
9109 11
9109 19
9109 90
9110 11
9110 12
9110 19
9110 90
9111 10
9111 20
9111 80
9111 90
9112 10
9112 80
9112 90
9113 10
9113 20
9113 90
9114 10
9114 20
9114 30
9114 40
9114 90
9202 10
9202 90
9203 00
9204 10
9204 20
9205 10
9205 90
9206 00
9209 10
9209 20
9209 93
9209 94
9209 99
9301 00
9303 10
9303 90
9305 10
9305 21
9305 29
9305 90
9306 30
9306 90
9307 00
9403 70
9405 91
9507 20
9601 10
9602 00
9603 10
9603 40
9604 00
9608 91
9609 10
9609 20
9611 00
9614 10
9614 20
9614 90
9615 11
9615 19
9616 10
2505 10
2519 90
2520 10
2523 10
2523 21
2523 29
2523 30
2523 90
2620 20
2707 99
2708 10
2708 20
2712 10
2712 20
2714 90
2801 10
2804 10
2804 21
2804 29
2804 30
2804 40
2804 50
2804 61
2804 69
2806 20
2807 00
2808 00
2811 11
2811 19
2811 22
2812 10
2812 90
2815 12
2815 20
2815 30
2818 10
2819 10
2819 90
2820 10
2820 90
2821 10
2821 20
2823 00
2825 10
2825 20
2825 30
2825 40
2825 50
2825 60
2825 70
2825 80
2826 11
2826 12
2826 19
2826 20
2826 30
2826 90
2827 10
2827 20
2827 32
2827 33
2827 34
2827 35
2827 36
2827 38
2827 39
2827 41
2827 49
2827 51
2827 59
2827 60
2828 10
2828 90
2829 19
2829 90
2830 10
2830 20
2830 90
2831 10
2831 90
2833 19
2833 21
2833 24
2833 25
2833 26
2833 27
2833 40
2834 10
2834 21
2834 22
2834 29
2835 10
2835 21
2835 22
2835 23
2835 24
2835 25
2835 26
2835 29
2835 39
2836 10
2836 30
2836 50
2836 70
2836 93
2836 99
2837 11
2837 19
2838 00
2839 11
2839 19
2839 20
2839 90
2840 11
2840 19
2840 30
2841 10
2841 20
2841 50
2841 60
2841 70
2842 10
2842 90
2843 10
2843 21
2843 30
2843 90
2844 20
2844 40
2844 50
2845 10
2845 90
2848 10
2848 90
2849 90
2850 00
2901 10
2901 21
2901 22
2901 23
2901 24
2901 29
2902 19
2902 20
2902 30
2902 41
2902 42
2902 43
2902 44
2902 50
2902 70
2902 90
2903 11
2903 12
2903 13
2903 15
2903 16
2903 19
2903 22
2903 23
2903 29
2903 30
2903 51
2903 59
2903 61
2903 69
2904 10
2904 20
2904 90
2905 12
2905 16
2905 19
2905 21
2905 31
2905 32
2905 39
2905 41
2905 42
2905 43
2905 44
2905 49
2905 50
2906 13
2907 15
2907 22
2907 23
2907 29
2907 30
2908 10
2908 20
2909 11
2909 19
2909 20
2909 30
2909 41
2909 42
2909 43
2909 44
2909 49
2909 50
2909 60
2910 10
2910 20
2910 30
2910 90
2912 11
2912 13
2912 19
2912 21
2912 30
2912 41
2912 42
2912 50
2912 60
2913 00
2914 19
2914 22
2914 41
2914 49
2914 50
2914 61
2914 69
2914 70
2915 11
2915 12
2915 13
2915 21
2915 23
2915 24
2915 29
2915 35
2915 39
2915 40
2915 50
2915 60
2915 70
2915 90
2916 13
2916 14
2916 15
2916 19
2916 20
2916 31
2916 32
2916 33
2916 39
2917 11
2917 13
2917 19
2917 20
2917 31
2917 32
2917 33
2917 34
2917 36
2917 37
2917 39
2918 11
2918 12
2918 13
2918 15
2918 16
2918 17
2918 19
2918 21
2918 22
2918 23
2918 29
2918 30
2918 90
2919 00
2920 10
2920 90
2921 11
2921 12
2921 19
2921 21
2921 22
2921 29
2921 30
2921 42
2921 43
2921 44
2921 45
2921 49
2921 51
2921 59
2922 11
2922 12
2922 13
2922 19
2922 21
2922 22
2922 29
2922 30
2922 41
2922 42
2922 49
2922 50
2923 10
2923 20
2923 90
2924 10
2924 21
2924 29
2925 11
2925 19
2925 20
2926 20
2926 90
2927 00
2928 00
2929 90
2930 10
2930 20
2930 30
2930 40
2930 90
2931 00
2932 11
2932 12
2932 19
2932 29
2932 90
2933 11
2933 19
2933 21
2933 29
2933 31
2933 39
2933 40
2933 51
2933 59
2933 69
2933 71
2933 79
2933 90
2934 10
2934 20
2934 30
2934 90
2936 10
2936 27
2936 28
2936 29
2937 92
2939 10
2939 40
2939 50
2939 60
2939 90
2940 00
2941 10
2941 30
2942 00
3001 10
3001 20
3001 90
3003 20
3003 39
3003 40
3003 90
3004 10
3004 20
3004 31
3004 32
3004 39
3004 40
3004 50
3004 90
3005 10
3006 40
3006 60
3102 10
3102 29
3102 50
3104 30
3105 51
3202 10
3202 90
3204 11
3204 14
3204 15
3204 16
3204 17
3204 19
3204 20
3204 90
3205 00
3206 10
3206 20
3206 30
3206 41
3206 42
3206 43
3206 49
3206 50
3207 10
3207 20
3207 30
3208 10
3208 20
3208 90
3209 10
3209 90
3210 00
3211 00
3212 10
3212 90
3213 10
3213 90
3215 11
3215 19
3301 30
3302 10
3302 90
3303 00
3304 10
3304 20
3304 30
3304 91
3304 99
3305 10
3305 20
3305 30
3305 90
3306 10
3306 90
3307 10
3307 20
3307 30
3307 41
3307 49
3307 90
3401 11
3403 19
3404 10
3404 20
3404 90
3405 10
3405 20
3406 00
3407 00
3501 90
3503 00
3504 00
3505 10
3505 20
3506 10
3506 91
3506 99
3507 10
3507 90
3601 00
3604 90
3605 00
3701 10
3701 20
3701 30
3701 91
3701 99
3702 20
3703 10
3703 20
3703 90
3706 10
3706 90
3707 10
3707 90
3801 10
3801 20
3801 30
3802 90
3806 20
3806 30
3806 90
3808 40
3809 10
3809 91
3809 99
3810 10
3810 90
3811 11
3811 19
3811 21
3811 29
3811 90
3812 10
3812 30
3813 00
3814 00
3815 11
3815 12
3815 19
3815 90
3817 10
3817 20
3818 00
3819 00
3820 00
3821 00
3822 00
3823 20
3823 30
3823 40
3823 50
3823 60
3823 90
3901 10
3901 20
3901 30
3901 90
3902 10
3902 20
3902 30
3902 90
3903 11
3903 19
3903 30
3903 90
3904 21
3904 22
3904 30
3904 40
3905 11
3905 19
3905 20
3905 90
3906 90
3907 30
3907 50
3907 91
3907 99
3908 10
3908 90
3909 10
3909 20
3909 30
3909 40
3909 50
3910 00
3911 10
3911 90
3912 39
3913 10
3916 10
3916 20
3916 90
3917 10
3917 21
3917 22
3917 23
3917 29
3917 31
3917 32
3917 33
3917 39
3917 40
3918 10
3918 90
3919 10
3919 90
3920 10
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3920 30
3920 41
3920 42
3920 59
3920 61
3920 63
3920 69
3920 71
3920 79
3920 92
3920 93
3920 94
3920 99
3921 11
3921 12
3921 13
3921 14
3921 19
3921 90
3922 10
3922 20
3922 90
3923 10
3923 21
3923 29
3923 30
3923 40
3923 50
3923 90
3924 10
3924 90
3925 10
3925 20
3925 30
3925 90
3926 10
3926 20
3926 30
3926 40
3926 90
4002 49
4004 00
4008 11
4008 19
4008 21
4008 29
4009 10
4009 20
4009 30
4009 40
4011 30
4011 40
4011 50
4011 91
4011 99
4013 10
4013 20
4013 90
4015 11
4015 19
4015 90
4016 10
4016 91
4016 92
4016 93
4016 94
4016 95
4016 99
4017 00
4111 00
4201 00
4202 11
4202 12
4202 19
4202 21
4202 22
4202 29
4202 31
4202 32
4202 39
4202 91
4202 92
4202 99
4203 29
4205 00
4206 10
4303 10
4303 90
4304 00
4407 91
4407 92
4409 10
4409 20
4410 10
4410 90
4411 11
4411 19
4411 21
4411 29
4411 31
4411 39
4411 91
4411 99
4412 12
4412 19
4412 21
4412 29
4412 91
4412 99
4413 00
4414 00
4415 10
4415 20
4417 00
4418 30
4418 40
4419 00
4420 10
4420 90
4421 10
4421 90
4503 90
4601 20
4601 91
4601 99
4602 10
4602 90
4801 00
4802 20
4802 30
4803 00
4804 11
4804 19
4804 21
4804 29
4804 31
4804 39
4805 10
4805 30
4805 40
4806 10
4807 91
4807 99
4808 20
4808 30
4808 90
4809 10
4809 90
4810 11
4810 12
4810 21
4810 29
4810 31
4810 32
4810 39
4810 91
4810 99
4811 21
4811 29
4811 31
4811 39
4811 40
4811 90
4812 00
4813 10
4813 20
4813 90
4814 10
4814 20
4814 90
4815 00
4816 30
4816 90
4817 10
4817 20
4817 30
4818 20
4818 30
4818 40
4818 50
4818 90
4820 10
4821 10
4821 90
4823 11
4823 19
4823 30
4823 40
4823 51
4823 59
4823 60
4823 70
4823 90
4902 90
4903 00
4908 10
4908 90
4909 00
4910 00
4911 10
4911 91
4911 99
5003 10
5003 90
5006 00
5007 10
5007 20
5007 90
5106 10
5106 20
5110 00
5111 11
5111 19
5111 20
5111 30
5111 90
5112 11
5112 19
5112 20
5112 30
5112 90
5204 11
5204 19
5204 20
5205 11
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5205 13
5205 14
5205 15
5205 21
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5205 31
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5205 34
5205 35
5205 41
5205 42
5205 43
5205 44
5206 11
5206 12
5206 13
5206 14
5206 15
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5206 24
5206 25
5206 31
5206 32
5206 33
5206 34
5206 35
5206 41
5206 42
5206 43
5206 44
5208 11
5208 12
5208 13
5208 19
5208 21
5208 22
5208 23
5208 29
5208 51
5208 52
5208 53
5208 59
5209 11
5209 12
5209 19
5209 21
5209 22
5209 29
5209 31
5209 39
5209 41
5209 43
5209 49
5209 51
5209 52
5209 59
5210 11
5210 12
5210 19
5210 21
5210 22
5210 29
5210 31
5210 32
5210 39
5210 41
5210 42
5210 49
5210 51
5210 52
5210 59
5211 11
5211 12
5211 19
5211 21
5211 22
5211 29
5211 31
5211 32
5211 39
5211 41
5211 43
5211 49
5211 51
5211 52
5211 59
5212 11
5212 12
5212 13
5212 14
5212 15
5212 21
5212 22
5212 23
5212 24
5212 25
5307 10
5307 20
5309 21
5309 29
5310 10
5310 90
5311 00
5401 10
5401 20
5402 10
5402 20
5402 31
5402 32
5402 33
5402 39
5402 41
5402 42
5402 43
5402 49
5402 51
5402 52
5402 59
5402 61
5402 62
5402 69
5403 10
5403 20
5403 31
5403 32
5403 33
5403 39
5403 41
5403 42
5403 49
5404 10
5404 90
5405 00
5407 10
5407 20
except 5407 20 11
5407 30
5408 10
5408 32
5408 33
5408 34
5501 10
5501 20
5501 30
5501 90
5502 00
5503 10
5503 20
5503 30
5503 90
5504 10
5504 90
5506 10
5506 20
5506 30
5506 90
5507 00
5508 20
5509 11
5509 12
5509 21
5509 22
5509 31
5509 32
5509 41
5509 42
5509 51
5509 52
5509 53
5509 59
5509 61
5509 62
5509 69
5509 91
5509 92
5509 99
5510 11
5510 12
5510 20
5510 30
5510 90
5512 11
5512 19
5512 21
5512 29
5512 91
5512 99
5513 11
5513 12
5513 13
5513 19
5513 21
5513 22
5513 23
5513 29
5513 31
5513 32
5513 33
5513 39
5513 41
5513 42
5513 43
5513 49
5514 11
5514 12
5514 13
5514 19
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5514 23
5514 29
5514 31
5514 32
5514 33
5514 39
5514 41
5514 42
5514 43
5514 49
5515 11
5515 12
5515 13
5515 19
5515 21
5515 22
5515 29
5515 91
5515 92
5515 99
5516 11
5516 12
5516 13
5516 14
5516 21
5516 22
5516 23
5516 24
5516 31
5516 32
5516 33
5516 34
5516 41
5516 42
5516 43
5516 44
5516 91
5516 92
5516 93
5516 94
5602 10
5602 21
5602 29
5602 90
5604 10
5604 20
5606 00
5607 10
5607 21
5607 29
5607 30
5608 11
5608 19
5608 90
5609 00
5701 10
5701 90
5702 10
5702 20
5702 31
5702 39
5702 41
5702 49
5702 51
5702 59
5702 91
5702 99
5704 10
5704 90
5801 10
5801 21
5801 22
5801 23
5801 24
5801 25
5801 26
5801 31
5801 32
5801 33
5801 34
5801 35
5801 36
5801 90
5802 11
5802 19
5802 20
5802 30
5803 10
5803 90
5804 10
5804 21
5804 29
5804 30
5805 00
5806 10
5806 31
5808 10
5808 90
5810 10
5810 91
5810 92
5810 99
5811 00
5901 10
5901 90
5902 10
5902 20
5903 10
5903 20
5903 90
5904 10
5904 91
5904 92
5905 00
5906 10
5906 91
5906 99
5907 00
5908 00
5909 00
6001 10
6001 21
6001 22
6001 29
6001 91
6001 92
6001 99
6002 10
6002 20
6002 30
6002 41
6002 42
6002 43
6002 49
6002 91
6002 92
6002 93
6002 99
6101 30
6101 90
6102 30
6103 12
6103 23
6103 29
6103 33
6103 39
6103 43
6103 49
6104 11
6104 19
6104 21
6104 31
6104 41
6104 51
6104 61
6106 10 00
6106 20 00
6106 90 10
6107 19
6110 10
6110 90
6111 30
6111 90
6112 20
6113 00
6114 10
6114 30
6114 90
6115 19
6116 10
6116 91
6116 92
6116 99
6117 10
6117 20
6117 90
6204 29
6204 39
6204 59
6205 10 00
6205 20 00
6205 30 00
6206 20 00
6206 30 00
6206 40 00
6206 90
6207 92
6208 11
6208 22
6208 29
6208 92
6208 99
6209 10
6209 20
6209 90
6210 20
6210 30
6210 50
6211 12
6211 31
6211 41
6211 42
6211 43
6211 49
6212 10
6212 20
6212 30
6213 10
6213 20
6213 90
6214 10
6214 20
6214 30
6214 40
6215 10
6215 20
6215 90
6217 10
6217 90
6301 10
6301 20
6301 30
6301 40
6301 90
6302 10
6302 40
6303 12
6303 19
6304 11
6304 91
6305 10
6305 31
except 6305 31 91
and 6305 31 99
6305 39
6305 90
6306 11
6306 12
6306 19
6306 21
6306 22
6306 29
6306 31
6306 39
6306 41
6306 49
6306 91
6306 99
6307 10
6307 20
6308 00
6403 11
6403 20
6403 30
6403 51
6403 59
6403 99
6404 11
6405 10
6406 10
6406 20
6406 91
6406 99
6502 00
6503 00
6504 00
6505 90
6506 10
6506 91
6506 92
6506 99
6601 10
6601 91
6601 99
6602 00
6603 10
6603 20
6603 90
6701 00
6702 10
6702 90
6801 00
6802 10
6802 21
6802 22
6802 23
6802 29
6802 91
6802 92
6802 93
6802 99
6803 00
6805 20
6807 10
6807 90
6808 00
6809 11
6809 19
6809 90
6810 11
6810 19
6810 20
6810 91
6810 99
6811 10
6811 20
6811 90
6812 10
6812 30
6812 40
6812 50
6812 60
6812 70
6812 90
6813 10
6813 90
6815 10
6815 91
6815 99
6902 10
6902 20
6902 90
6903 10
6903 20
6903 90
6904 10
6904 90
6907 10
6907 90
6908 10
6909 11
6909 19
6909 90
6910 10
6910 90
6912 00
6913 10
6913 90
6914 90
7002 39
7008 00
7009 10
7009 91
7009 92
7010 10
7010 90
7011 10
7011 90
7014 00
7015 10
7015 90
7016 10
7016 90
7017 10
7017 20
7017 90
7018 20
7018 90
7019 10
7019 20
7019 31
7019 32
7019 39
7019 90
7020 00
7115 90
7117 11
7117 19
7117 90
7202 50
7205 10
7206 10
7206 90
7207 11
7207 12
7207 19
7207 20
7211 19
7211 49
7211 90
7213 50
7217 31
7217 39
7218 10
7218 90
7219 11
7219 12
7219 13
7219 14
7219 21
7219 22
7219 23
7219 24
7219 31
7219 32
7219 33
7219 34
7219 35
7219 90
7220 11
7220 12
7220 20
7220 90
7221 00
7222 10
7222 20
7222 30
7222 40
7223 00
7224 10
7224 90
7225 20
7225 40
7225 50
7225 90
7226 10
7226 20
7226 91
7226 92
7226 99
7227 10
7227 20
7227 90
7228 10
7228 20
7228 30
7228 40
7228 50
7228 60
7228 70
7229 10
7229 20
7229 90
7304 90
7307 11
7307 19
7316 00
7318 21
7318 22
7318 23
7318 24
7319 10
7407 10
7407 22
7407 29
7408 11
7408 21
7408 29
7409 11
7409 19
7409 21
7409 29
7409 31
7409 39
7409 40
7409 90
7414 10
7414 90
7415 29
7416 00
7419 10
8201 10
8201 30
8201 40
8201 50
8203 10
8204 11
8204 12
8204 20
8205 10
8205 20
8205 40
8205 51
8205 59
8205 60
8205 70
8205 80
8205 90
8207 11
8207 12
8207 20
8207 30
8207 40
8207 50
8207 60
8207 70
8207 80
8207 90
8209 00
8210 00
8211 92
8211 93
8212 10
8212 20
8212 90
8214 20
8214 90
8301 10
8301 20
8301 30
8301 40
8301 50
8301 60
8301 70
8302 10
8302 20
8302 30
8302 41
8302 42
8302 49
8302 50
8302 60
8303 00
8304 00
8305 10
8305 20
8305 90
8306 10
8306 21
8306 29
8306 30
8307 10
8307 90
8308 10
8308 20
8308 90
8309 10
8309 90
8310 00
8311 20
8311 90
8401 20
8402 11
8402 12
8402 19
8402 20
8402 90
8403 10
8403 90
8404 10
8404 20
8404 90
8407 10
8407 21
8407 29
8407 31
8407 32
8407 33
8407 34
8407 90
8408 10
8408 20
8408 90
8409 10
8409 91
8409 99
8410 11
8410 12
8410 13
8410 90
8412 21
8412 29
8412 90
8413 11
8413 19
8413 20
8413 30
8413 40
8413 50
8413 60
8413 70
8413 81
8413 82
8413 91
8413 92
8414 10
8414 20
8414 30
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8414 51
8414 59
8414 60
8414 80
8414 90
8415 10
8415 81
8415 82
8415 83
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8417 10
8417 20
8417 80
8417 90
8418 10
8418 21
8418 22
8418 29
8418 30
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8418 91
8418 99
8419 19
8419 20
8419 31
8419 32
8419 39
8419 40
8419 50
8419 60
8419 81
8419 89
8419 90
8420 10
8420 91
8420 99
8421 23
8421 31
8422 11
8422 19
8423 10
8423 20
8423 30
8423 81
8423 82
8423 89
8424 10
8424 20
8424 30
8424 81
8424 89
8424 90
8425 11
8425 19
8425 20
8425 31
8425 39
8425 41
8425 42
8425 49
8426 11
8426 12
8426 19
8426 20
8426 30
8426 41
8426 49
8426 91
8426 99
8427 10
8427 20
8427 90
8428 10
8428 20
8428 31
8428 32
8428 33
8428 39
8428 40
8428 50
8428 60
8428 90
8429 11
8429 19
8429 20
8429 30
8429 40
8429 51
8429 52
8429 59
8430 10
8430 20
8430 31
8430 39
8430 41
8430 49
8430 50
8430 61
8430 62
8430 69
8431 10
8431 20
8431 31
8431 39
8431 41
8431 42
8431 43
8431 49
8432 10
8432 21
8432 29
8432 30
8432 40
8432 80
8433 10
8433 99
8433 20
8433 30
8433 40
8433 51
8433 52
8433 53
8433 59
8433 60
8435 10
8436 10
8436 29
8436 80
8437 10
8437 80
8437 90
8438 30
8438 80
8438 90
8439 10
8439 20
8439 30
8439 91
8439 99
8443 11
8443 12
8443 19
8443 21
8443 30
8445 20
8445 30
8445 40
8446 10
8446 21
8446 29
8446 30
8447 11
8447 12
8447 20
8448 19
8448 20
8448 31
8450 11
8450 12
8450 19
8450 20
8451 10
8451 21
8451 29
8451 30
8451 40
8451 50
8451 80
8451 90
8452 10
8452 21
8452 29
8452 30
8452 90
8453 80
8454 10
8454 20
8454 30
8454 90
8455 10
8455 21
8455 22
8455 90
8456 10
8457 10
8457 20
8457 30
8458 11
8458 19
8458 91
8458 99
8459 10
8459 21
8459 29
8459 31
8459 40
8459 51
8459 59
8459 61
8459 69
8459 70
8460 11
8460 19
8460 21
8460 29
8460 40
8460 90
8461 10
8461 40
8461 50
8462 10
8462 21
8462 29
8462 31
8462 39
8462 41
8462 49
8462 91
8462 99
8463 10
8464 20
8464 90
8465 10
8465 91
8465 92
8465 93
8465 94
8465 95
8466 10
8466 20
8466 30
8466 91
8466 92
8466 93
8466 94
8468 10
8468 20
8468 80
8468 90
8469 10
8469 21
8469 29
8469 31
8469 39
8470 10
8470 21
8470 29
8471 10
8471 20
8471 91
8471 92
8471 93
8471 99
8472 20
8472 30
8472 90
8473 21
8473 29
8473 30
8474 10
8474 20
8474 31
8474 32
8474 39
8474 80
8474 90
8477 10
8477 20
8477 30
8477 40
8477 51
8477 59
8477 80
8479 10
8479 20
8479 30
8479 40
8479 81
8479 82
8479 89
8480 10
8480 20
8480 30
8480 41
8480 49
8480 50
8480 60
8481 10
8481 20
8481 30
8481 40
8481 80
8481 90
8482 10
8482 20
8482 30
8482 50
8482 80
8483 10
8483 20
8483 30
8483 40
8483 50
8483 60
8501 10
8501 20
8501 31
8501 32
8501 33
8501 34
8501 40
8501 51
8501 52
8501 53
8501 61
8501 62
8501 63
8501 64
8502 11
8502 12
8502 13
8502 20
8502 30
8502 40
8503 00
8504 10
8504 21
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8504 31
8504 32
8504 33
8504 34
8504 40
8504 50
8504 90
8505 11
8505 19
8505 90
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8506 13
8506 19
8506 20
8507 10
8507 20
8507 30
8507 40
8507 80
8507 90
8509 10
8509 40
8509 80
8510 10
8510 20
8511 10
8511 20
8511 30
8511 40
8511 50
8511 80
8511 90
8512 10
8512 20
8512 30
8512 40
8512 90
8513 10
8513 90
8514 10
8514 20
8514 30
8514 40
8514 90
8515 11
8515 19
8515 21
8515 29
8515 31
8515 39
8515 80
8515 90
8516 10
8516 21
8516 29
8516 31
8516 32
8516 33
8516 40
8516 50
8516 60
8516 71
8516 72
8516 79
8516 80
8517 10
8517 30
8517 40
8517 81
8517 82
8518 10
8518 21
8518 29
8518 40
8518 50
8518 90
8525 10
8525 20
8526 92
8528 10
8528 20
8530 10
8530 80
8530 90
8531 10
8531 20
8531 80
8531 90
8532 10
8532 21
8532 22
8532 23
8532 24
8532 25
8532 29
8532 30
8532 90
8534 00
8537 10
8537 20
8538 10
8538 90
8539 39
8539 40
8543 80
8544 11
8544 19
8544 20
8544 30
8544 41
8544 49
8544 51
8544 59
8544 60
8545 11
8545 19
8545 20
8545 90
8546 10
8546 90
8547 10
8547 20
8547 90
8548 00
8601 10
8601 20
8602 10
8602 90
8603 10
8603 90
8605 00
8606 10
8606 20
8606 30
8606 91
8606 92
8606 99
8607 11
8607 12
8607 19
8607 21
8607 29
8607 30
8607 91
8607 99
8608 00
8701 10
8701 20
8701 30
8701 90
8702 90
8703 10
8705 10
8705 20
8705 30
8705 40
8705 90
8706 00
8707 10
8707 90
8708 10
8708 21
8708 31
8708 39
8708 40
8708 50
8708 93
8708 94
8709 11
8709 19
8709 90
8711 10
8711 20
8711 30
8711 40
8711 50
8711 90
8712 00
8714 11
8714 19
8714 20
8714 91
8714 92
8714 93
8714 94
8714 95
8714 96
8714 99
8715 00
8716 10
8716 20
8716 31
8716 39
8716 40
8716 80
8716 90
8801 10
8801 90
8802 20
8802 30
8802 40
8803 10
8803 20
8803 90
8804 00
8805 10
8805 20
8901 10
8901 20
8901 30
8901 90
8902 00
8903 10
8903 91
8903 92
8903 99
8904 00
8905 10
8905 20
8905 90
8906 00
8907 10
8907 90
9002 11
9002 19
9002 20
9002 90
9007 29
9009 11
9009 12
9009 21
9009 22
9009 30
9010 10
9010 20
9010 30
9013 10
9014 20
9015 10
9016 00
9017 30
9017 80
9018 20
9018 31
9018 41
9018 49
9019 20
9022 11
9024 90
9025 20
9027 20
9027 90
9028 10
9028 30
9030 31
9030 39
9030 40
9030 81
9030 89
9031 10
9031 20
9031 30
9032 89
9103 90
9106 20
9106 90
9108 11
9108 12
9108 19
9108 20
9108 91
9108 99
9207 10
9207 90
9208 10
9208 90
9209 30
9209 91
9209 92
9302 00
9303 20
9303 30
9304 00
9306 21
9306 29
9401 10
9401 20
9401 30
9401 40
9401 50
9401 61
9401 69
9401 71
9401 79
9401 80
9401 90
9402 10
9402 90
9403 10
9403 20
9403 80
9403 90
9404 10
9404 21
9404 29
9404 30
9404 90
9405 10
9405 20
9405 30
9405 40
9405 50
9405 60
9405 92
9405 99
9406 00
9501 00
9502 10
9502 91
9502 99
9503 10
9503 20
9503 30
9503 41
9503 49
9503 50
9503 60
9503 70
9503 80
9503 90
9504 10
9504 20
9504 30
9504 40
9504 90
9505 10
9505 90
9506 11
9506 12
9506 19
9506 21
9506 29
9506 31
9506 32
9506 39
9506 40
9506 51
9506 59
9506 61
9506 62
9506 69
9506 70
9506 91
9506 99
9507 10
9507 30
9507 90
9508 00
9601 90
9603 21
9603 29
9603 30
9603 50
9603 90
9605 00
9606 10
9606 21
9606 22
9606 29
9606 30
9607 11
9607 19
9607 20
9608 10
9608 20
9608 31
9608 39
9608 40
9608 50
9608 60
9608 99
9609 90
9610 00
9612 10
9612 20
9613 10
9613 20
9613 30
9613 80
9613 90
9615 90
9616 20
9617 00
9618 00
9701 90
2710 00
2710 00
2814 20
2817 00
2835 31
2837 20
2849 10
2902 11
2902 60
2903 14
2903 62
2905 15
2907 11
2915 22
2915 31
2915 33
2915 34
2916 11
2916 12
2918 14
2921 41
3102 21
3102 40
3102 80
3102 90
3105 20
3105 59
3105 60
3207 40
3602 00
3802 10
3808 10
3808 20
3808 30
3904 10
3906 10
3915 10
3915 20
3915 30
3915 90
3920 51
3920 62
4010 10
4010 91
4011 10
4011 20
4012 10
4012 20
4012 90
4418 10
4418 20
4418 90
4707 10
4707 20
4707 30
4707 90
4802 40
4802 51
4802 52
4802 53
4804 41
4804 42
4804 49
4804 51
4804 52
4804 59
4805 21
4805 22
4805 23
4805 29
4805 50
4805 60
4805 70
4805 80
4806 20
4807 10
4808 10
4809 20
4811 10
4816 10
4816 20
4818 10
4819 10
4819 20
4819 30
4819 40
4819 50
4819 60
4820 20
4820 30
4820 40
4820 50
4820 90
4822 10
4822 90
4823 20
5208 31
5208 32
5208 33
5208 39
5208 41
5208 42
5208 43
5208 49
5209 32
5209 42
5211 42
5301 10
5301 21
5309 11
5309 19
5503 40
5603 00
5605 00
5607 41
5607 49
5607 50
5607 90
5702 32
5702 42
5702 52
5702 92
5703 10
5703 20
5703 30
5703 90
5705 00
5806 20
5806 32
5806 39
5806 40
5807 10
5807 90
5911 31
5911 32
5911 40
5911 90
6101 10
6101 20
6102 10
6102 20
6102 90
6103 11
6103 19
6103 21
6103 22
6103 31
6103 32
6103 42
6104 12
6104 13
6104 22
6104 23
6104 29
6104 32
6104 33
6104 39
6104 42
6104 43
6104 44
6104 49
6104 52
6104 53
6104 59
6104 62
6104 63
6104 69
6105 10
6105 20
6105 90
6106 10
except 6106 10 00
6106 20
except 6106 20 00
6106 90
except 6106 90 10
6107 11
6107 12
6107 21
6107 22
6107 29
6107 91
6107 92
6107 99
6108 11
6108 19
6108 21
6108 22
6108 29
6108 31
6108 32
6108 39
6108 91
6108 92
6108 99
6109 10
6109 90
6110 20
6110 30
6111 20
6112 11
6112 12
6112 19
6112 31
6112 39
6112 41
6112 49
6114 20
6115 11
6115 12
6115 20
6115 91
6115 92
6115 93
6115 99
6201 11
6201 12
6201 13
6201 19
6201 91
6201 92
6201 93
6201 99
6202 11
6202 12
6202 13
6202 19
6202 91
6202 92
6202 93
6202 99
6203 11
6203 12
6203 19
6203 21
6203 22
6203 25
6203 29
6203 31
6203 32
6203 33
6203 39
6203 41
6203 42
6203 43
6203 49
6204 11
6204 12
6204 13
6204 19
6204 21
6204 22
6204 23
6204 31
6204 32
6204 33
6204 41
6204 42
6204 43
6204 44
6204 49
6204 51
6204 52
6204 53
6204 61
6204 62
6204 63
6204 69
6205 10
except 6205 10 00
6205 20
except 6205 20 00
6205 30
except 6205 30 00
6205 90
6206 20
except 6206 20 00
6206 30
except 6206 30 00
6206 40
except 6206 40 00
6207 11
6207 19
6207 21
6207 22
6207 29
6207 91
6207 99
6208 19
6208 21
6208 91
6209 30
6210 10
6210 40
6211 11
6211 20
6211 32
6211 33
6211 39
6302 21
6302 22
6302 29
6302 31
6302 32
6302 39
6302 52
6302 53
6302 59
6302 60
6302 91
6302 92
6302 93
6302 99
6303 11
6303 91
6303 92
6303 99
6304 19
6304 92
6304 93
6304 99
6305 20
6307 90
6401 10
6401 91
6401 92
6401 99
6402 19
6402 20
6402 30
6402 91
6402 99
6403 19
6403 40
6403 91
6404 19
6404 20
6405 20
6405 90
6908 90
6911 10
6911 90
6914 10
7003 11
7003 19
7003 20
7003 30
7004 10
7004 90
7005 10
7005 21
7005 29
7005 30
7006 00
7007 11
7007 19
7007 21
7007 29
7011 20
7012 00
7013 10
7013 21
7013 29
7013 31
7013 32
7013 39
7013 91
7013 99
7113 11
7113 19
7113 20
7114 11
7114 19
7114 20
7202 11
7202 19
7202 21
7202 29
7202 30
7202 41
7202 49
7202 70
7202 80
7202 91
7202 92
7202 99
7208 11
7208 12
7208 13
7208 14
7208 21
7208 22
7208 23
7208 24
7208 31
7208 32
7208 33
7208 34
7208 35
7208 41
7208 42
7208 43
7208 44
7208 45
7208 90
7209 11
7209 12
7209 13
7209 14
7209 21
7209 22
7209 23
7209 24
7209 34
7209 41
7209 42
7209 43
7209 44
7209 90
7210 11
7210 12
7210 20
7210 31
7210 39
7210 41
7210 49
7210 50
7210 60
7210 70
7210 90
7211 11
7211 12
7211 21
7211 22
7211 29
7211 30
7211 41
7212 10
7212 21
7212 29
7212 30
7212 40
7212 50
7212 60
7213 10
7213 20
7213 31
7213 39
7213 41
7213 49
7214 10
7214 20
7214 30
7214 40
7214 50
7214 60
7215 10
7215 20
7215 30
7215 40
7215 90
7216 10
7216 21
7216 22
7216 31
7216 32
7216 33
7216 40
7216 50
7216 60
7216 90
7217 11
7217 12
7217 13
7217 19
7217 21
7217 22
7217 23
7217 29
7217 32
7217 33
7225 10
7225 30
7228 80
7301 10
7301 20
7302 10
7302 20
7302 30
7302 40
7302 90
7303 00
7304 10
7304 20
7304 31
7304 39
7304 41
7304 49
7304 51
7304 59
7305 11
7305 12
7305 19
7305 20
7305 31
7305 39
7305 90
7306 10
7306 20
7306 30
7306 40
7306 50
7306 60
7306 90
7307 21
7307 22
7307 23
7307 29
7307 91
7307 92
7307 93
7307 99
7308 10
7308 20
7308 30
7308 40
7308 90
7309 00
7310 10
7310 21
7310 29
7311 00
7312 10
7312 90
7313 00
7314 11
7314 19
7314 20
7314 30
7314 41
7314 42
7314 49
7314 50
7315 11
7315 12
7315 19
7315 20
7315 81
7315 82
7315 89
7315 90
7317 00
7318 11
7318 12
7318 13
7318 14
7318 15
7318 16
7318 19
7318 29
7319 20
7319 30
7319 90
7320 10
7320 20
7320 90
7321 11
7321 12
7321 13
7321 81
7321 82
7321 83
7321 90
7322 11
7322 19
7322 90
7323 10
7323 91
7323 92
7323 93
7323 94
7323 99
7324 10
7324 21
7324 29
7324 90
7325 10
7325 91
7325 99
7326 11
7326 19
7326 20
7326 90
7406 10
7406 20
7407 21
7408 19
7408 22
7410 11
7410 12
7410 21
7410 22
7411 10
7411 21
7411 22
7411 29
7412 10
7412 20
7413 00
7415 10
7415 21
7415 31
7415 32
7415 39
7417 00
7418 10
7418 20
7419 91
7419 99
7504 00
7508 00
7603 10
7603 20
7604 10
7604 21
7604 29
7605 11
7605 19
7605 21
7605 29
7606 11
7606 12
7606 91
7607 11
7607 19
7607 20
7608 10
7608 20
7610 10
7610 90
7611 00
7612 10
7612 90
7615 10
7615 20
7616 10
7616 90
7803 00
7804 20
7805 00
7806 00
7903 10
7903 90
7904 00
7905 00
7907 10
7907 90
8005 20
8006 00
8215 10
8215 20
8215 91
8215 99
8436 21
8452 40
8465 96
8465 99
8506 11
8518 22
8519 10
8522 90
8535 10
8535 21
8535 29
8535 30
8535 40
8535 90
8536 10
8536 20
8536 30
8536 41
8536 49
8536 50
8536 61
8536 69
8536 90
8539 21
8539 22
8539 29
8539 31
8546 20
8702 10
8703 21 90
8703 22 90
8703 23 90
8703 24 90
8703 31 90
8703 32 90
8703 33 90
8703 90
8704 10
8704 21
8704 22
8704 23
8704 31
8704 32
8704 90
9023 00
9024 10
9024 80
9029 10
9201 10
9201 20
9201 90
9403 30
9403 40
9403 50
9403 60
(New cars)
8703 21 10
8703 22 11
8703 22 19
8703 23 11
8703 23 19
8703 24 10
8703 31 10
8703 32 11
8703 32 19
8703 33 11
8703 33 19
List of import licencing items Non-automatic licences with fixed import quotas
List of export licencing items (1)
Raw hides and skins and leather
Wood and articles of wood
Pulp of wood, paper and articles thereof
Precious metals and articles thereof
Base metals and articles of base metal
Instruments and apparatus
Works of art, collectors' pieces and antiques
(1) The licences are intended for monitoring exports. Any restriction on grounds of difficulties in the CSFR market for a listed product shall be introduced by an ad hoc decision of the CSFR, of which the Community shall be informed immediately.
Goods referred to in Article 11, for which the Community retains an agricultural component in the duties and for which the CSFR may introduce an agricultural component in the duties
List of products refered to in Article 14 (2) (1)
The products listed in this Annex will be subject to a levy reduction of 50 %
List of products refered to in Article 14 (2) (1)
0101 19 10
Live horses, for slaughter (2)
0101 19 90
0203 11 90
0203 12 90
0203 19 90
0203 21 90
0203 22 90
0203 29 90
Meat of swine other than domestic fresh chilled or frozen
0207 31 00
0207 50 10
Fatty liver of geese or ducks
Free (3)
0208 10 10
Other meat and edible meat offal of domestic rabbits
0208 10 90
0208 20 00
Other than domestic rabbits
Of frogs' legs
0208 90 10
Of domestic pigeons
0208 90 30
Of game, other than rabbits or hares
0409 00 00
Natural honey
0602 40 90
Budded or grafted roses
0603 90 00
Cut flowers
Foliase pranchers and other parts of plants, without flowers of flower buds and grasses, mosses and lichens being goods of a kind suitable for bouquets or for ornamental purposes fresh, dried, dyed, bleached, impregnated or otherwise prepared
ex 0604 10 90
0604 91 10
0604 91 90
0707 00 19
Cucumbers, fresh or chilled (from 16 May to 31 October)
0711 40 00
Cucumbers and gherkins
0712 20 00
ex 0712 90 90
Horse-radish (Cochlearia armoracia)
Annex to Annex XIb
Minimum import price arrangement for certain soft fruit for processing
1. Minimum import prices are fixed for each marketing year for the following products:
0810 20 10 Raspberries
0810 30 10 Blackcurrants
0810 30 30 Redcurrants
0810 30 90 Other berries
0811 10 90 Strawberries
ex 0811 20 19 Raspberries
0811 20 31 Raspberries
0811 20 39 Blackcurrants
0811 20 51 Red currants
The minimum import prices are fixed by the Community in consultation with the CSFR, taking into consideration the price evolution, imported quantities and market development in the Community.
2. The minimum import prices shall be respected in accordance with the following criteria:
- during each three month period of the marketing year the average unit value for each product listed in paragraph 1, imported into the Community, shall not be lower than the minimum import price for that product,
- during any period of two weeks the average unit value for each product listed in paragraph 1, imported in the Community shall not be lower than 90 % of the minimum import price for that product, in so far as the quantities imported during this period are not less than 4 % of the normal annual import.
3. In case of non respect of one of these criteria the Community may introduce measures ensuring that the minimum import price is respected for each consignment of the product concerned imported from the CSFR.
Quantitative restrictions on imports into the CSFR of agricultural products originating in the Community which shall be abolished upon entry into force of the Agreement
Arrangements for imports of live bovine animals into the Community
1. In case the number of animals fixed in the framework of the balance sheet arrangements foreseen in Regulation (EEC) No 805/68 are lower than a reference quantity, a global tariff quota equal to the difference between that reference quantity and the number of animals fixed under the balance sheet arrangements will be opened to imports from Hungary, Poland and the CSFR. The reference quantity shall be:
- 217 800 in 1992,
- 237 600 in 1993,
- 257 400 in 1994,
- 277 200 in 1995,
- 297 000 in 1996.
The reduced levy applicable to animals under this quota will be fixed at 25 % of the full amount of levy.
This arrangement shall apply to live bovine animals for fattening or for slaughter with a live weight of not less than 160 kg and not more than 300 kg.
2. In case forecasts show that imports into the Community may exceed 425 000 head for any given year, the Community may take safeguard measures in accordance with Regulation (EEC) No 805/68, notwithstanding any other rights given under the Agreement.
In this context, imports of live bovine animals not covered by the arrangements mentioned in paragraph 1 shall be limited to young calves with a live weight of not more than 80 kg. Such imports shall be subject to a management regime in order to ensure regular supply over the year in question.
List of products refered to in Article 14 (4) (1)
The quantities imported under the CN code referred in this Annex with the exception of codes 0104 and 0204 will be subject to levy and duty reduction of 20 % in the first year, 40 % in the second year, 60 % in the succesive years
List of products refered to in Article 14 (4) (1)
Imports into CSFR of the following products originating in the Community shall be subject to the concessions set out below
List of products referred to in Article 17
- First Council Directive (89/104/EEC) of 21 December 1988 to approximate the laws of the Member States relating to trade marks.
- Council Directive 87/54/EEC of 16 December 1986 on the legal protection of topographies of semiconductor products.
- Council Directive 91/250/EEC of 14 May 1991 on the legal protection of computer programs.
(*) The Interim Agreement does not contain an Annex XVI.
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