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European Communities International Agreements |
Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters between
the European Economic Community and the Kingdom of Sweden
concerning fisheries
Official Journal L 346 , 31/12/1993 P. 0031
AGREEMENT in the form of an exchange of letters between the European Economic Community and the Kingdom of Sweden concerning fisheries
Oporto, 2 May 1992.
The signature of the Agreement on the European Economic Area has given the Community and Sweden the opportunity to examine appropriate means to consolidate their cooperation in the fisheries sector.
Referring to the exchange of letters of 14 July 1986 in connection with the signature of the additional Protocol to the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Kingdom of Sweden consequent on the accession of the Kingdom of Spain and the Portuguese Republic to the Community, I confirm that Sweden will continue to provide to vessels flying the flag of Member States of the Community the opportunity to fish certain quantities of cod and herring in the Swedish fishery zone in the Baltic Sea, supplementary to those agreed annually in the framework of the Fisheries Agreement between Sweden and the Community; these supplementary quantities shall be established as follows:
- Baltic cod:
2 500 tonnes; should the TAC for cod in the Swedish fishery zone in the Baltic Sea exceed 50 000 tonnes, an increased quota above 2 500 tonnes could be agreed, it being understood that such an increase should not exceed 10 % of the amount by which the TAC exceeds 50 000 tonnes.
If such an increase is decided upon, compensation should be given in the form of an increased zero tariff quota for herring and/or cod originating in Sweden and exported to the Community.
If the TAC for cod in the Swedish fishery zone is set at a level below 40 000 tonnes, the quota of 2 500 tonnes should be reduced by the same percentage.
- Baltic herring:
1 500 tonnes.
Fishing by Community vessels for the quotas referred to above shall be subject to the same terms and conditions as those applied to Community fishing in that area for quotas agreed under the Fisheries Agreement between Sweden and the Community.
I should be grateful if you would confirm the Agreement of the European Economic Community to the undertaking set out above.
Var vaenliga mottag foersaekran om min utmaerkta hoegaktning.
Les ruego acepten, señores, el testimonio de mi mayor consideración.
Modtag, mine herrer, forsikringen om min mest udmaerkede hoejagtelse.
Genehmigen Sie, sehr geehrte Herren, den Ausdruck meiner ausgezeichnetsten Hochachtung.
Parakalo dechtheite, Kyrioi, ti diavevaiosi tis ypsistis ektimiseos moy.
Please accept, Sirs, the assurance of my highest consideration.
Veuillez agréer, Messieurs, l'assurance de ma très haute considération.
Vogliano accettare, Signori, l'espressione della mia profonda stima.
Gelieve, mijne heren, de verzekering van mijn zeer bijzondere hoogachting te aanvaarden.
Queiram aceitar, Excelentíssimos Senhores, a expressao da minha mais elevada consideraçao.
Foer Konungariket Sveriges regering
Por el Gobierno del Reino de Suecia
For Kongeriget Sveriges regering
Fuer die Regierung des Koenigreichs Schweden
Gia tin kyvernisi toy Vasileioy tis Soyidias
For the Government of the Kingdom of Sweden
Pour le gouvernement du royaume de Suède
Per il governo del Regno di Svezia
Voor de Regering van het Koninkrijk Zweden
Pelo Governo do Reino da Suécia
Oporto, 2 May 1992.
I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter of today's date which reads as follows:
'The signature of the Agreement on the European Economic Area has given the Community and Sweden the opportunity to examine appropriate means to consolidate their cooperation in the fisheries sector.
Referring to the exchange of letters of 14 July 1986 in connection with the signature of the additional Protocol to the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Kingdom of Sweden consequent on the accession of the Kingdom of Spain and the Portuguese Republic to the Community, I confirm that Sweden will continue to provide to vessels flying the flag of Member States of the Community the opportunity to fish certain quantities of cod and herring in the Swedish fishery zone in the Baltic Sea, supplementary to those agreed annually in the framework of the Fisheries Agreement between Sweden and the Community; these supplementary quantities shall be established as follows:
- Baltic cod:
2 500 tonnes; should the TAC for cod in the Swedish fishery zone in the Baltic Sea exceed 50 000 tonnes, an increased quota above 2 500 tonnes could be agreed, it being understood that such an increase should not exceed 10 % of the amount by which the TAC exceeds 50 000 tonnes.
If such an increase is decided upon, compensation should be given in the form of an increased zero tariff quota for herring and/or cod originating in Sweden and exported to the Community.
If the TAC for cod in the Swedish fishery zone is set at a level below 40 000 tonnes, the quota of 2 500 tonnes should be reduced by the same percentage.
- Baltic herring:
1 500 tonnes.
Fishing by Community vessels for the quotas referred to above shall be subject to the same terms and conditions as those applied to Community fishing in that area for quotas agreed under the Fisheries Agreement between Sweden and the Community.
I should be grateful if you would confirm the agreement of the European Economic Community to the undertaking set out above.'
I have the honour to confirm that the European Economic Community is in agreement with the contents of your letter.
Le ruego acepte, señor, el testimonio de nuestra mayor consideración.
Modtag, hr., forsikringen om vor mest udmaerkede hoejagtelse.
Genehmigen Sie, sehr geehrter Herr, den Ausdruck unserer ausgezeichnetsten Hochachtung.
Parakalo dechtheite, Kyrie, ti diavevaiosi tis ypsistis ektimiseos mas.
Please accept, Sir, the assurance of our highest consideration.
Veuillez agréer, Monsieur, l'assurance de notre très haute considération.
Voglia accettare, Signore, l'espressione della nostra profonda stima.
Gelieve, mijnheer, de verzekering van onze zeer bijzondere hoogachting te aanvaarden.
Queira aceitar, Excelentíssimo Senhor, a expressao da nossa mais elevada consideraçao.
Var vaenlig mottag foersaekran om vaar utmaerkta hoegaktning.
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On behalf of the Council of the European Communities
Au nom du Conseil des Communautés européennes
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URL: http://www.worldlii.org/int/other/treaties/EUTSer/1993/73.html