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- ANZWERS Search Centre
'Law' is classified under 'Reference & Education'; extensive index of Australia law sites; search engine and index.
- Australian Government Index of Publications (AGIP) [Search]
AGIP contains details of books and serials published by AusInfo - formerly Australian Government Printing Service (AGPS).
- Australian Law on the Internet [Search]
index by jurisdiction and subject (National Library of Australia)
- Australian Law Sources on the Web [Search]
Links to Australian legal sites (On Harvard Law School Library)
- Australian Taxation Index Oz Tax [Search]
Comprehensive site which includes sections on News/Keeping up-to-date, Legal Materials, Tax Search Engines, Organisations, Research, Forms, Publications and Calculations, Superannuation and international material maintained by Paul Kenny (Flinders Business School, Flinders University)
- Davidson Alan: Virtual Library [Search]
law and accountancy links
- Deakin Law School Legal Research Links [Search]
Links indexed by subject, country, cases, legislation, courts, commissions, tribunals, lawyers, legal associations, law reform, law schools, law journals and more (Deakin University)
- FindLaw Australia [Search]
Contains comprehensive information on Australian legal issues. Offers a range of free services including current awareness newsletters, primary law, an events calendar and extensive links to other primary and secondary legal material and research resources. There are also articles covering around 50 areas of law sourced from lawyers, firms, government and non-profit organisations. These are divided into resources for legal professionals, students, business and the public
- Food Law and Policy Australia [Search]
(Dr E J Wright Law School University of Melbourne)
- Foolkit - A Lawyer's Toolkit [Search]
Rich array of links to Australian law resources arranged by jurisdiction, topic and source material with some original commentary. Intended for both the legal profession and the public.
- Freedom of Information - sites on the Internet [Search]
(Rick Snell, FOI Research Unit, University of Tasmania)
- Guide to Law Online - Australia
Guide to sources of information on Australia government and law (Global Legal Information Network - GLIN)
- - Legal Resources [Search]
Legal index with reviewed legal resources by topic and jurisdiction and links of general interest for legal professionals
- IP Access [Search]
Integrated access point for information relating to all forms of IP (IP Australia)
- Jurist Australia: the Law Professors Network
Clearing house of Australian legal resources
- Law & Justice [Search]
Links to law related content on many Victorian Government sites (on Victoria Online)
- Law and Justice Foundation of New South Wales [Search]
Links to Australian legislation, judgements, court lists and other related sites
- Law Internet Resources [Search]
Australian US NZ and other legal links (Parliamentary Library Australian Parliament)
- LawRunner Australia: A Legal Research Tool [Search]
queries Australian (.au) web sites on the AltaVista Australian mirror
- NetLaw [Search]
Internet research and consultancy, mainly Australian resources
- Pathfinders [Search]
Australian law resources on the Web by subject (University of Sydney Law School)
- Public International Law [Search]
Collection of links related to International Law Topics (Francis Auburn, Faculty of Economics, Commerce Education and Law, University of Western Australia)
- Solon's Voyage
indexes to law resources concerning criminology feminism and indigenous peoples
- SOSIG Law Gateway: Australia [Search]
Internet resources on Australia (Social Science Information Gateway - SOSIG)
- Tasmanian Links [Search]
Contains links to Tasmanian legal sites (On NiuMedia Pacific's Legal Portal)
- US House of Representatives Internet Law Library - Australia [Search]
- WebLaw [Search]
WebLaw is a cooperative subject gateway to annotated Internet resources for Australian legal researchers. Each subject includes legislation, courts, tribunals and decisions, professional and industry associations, government bodies, journals and other publications, international resources and other pathfinder sites
- WorldLII's Australian Law on the Net
Index by source - you're standing in it!